Sankui went to his room and took out a coat, and gently put it on Jiuli's body.Feeling the warmth coming, Jiu Li looked back at her with a grateful look.

"Are you worried about that child?" Sankui asked softly, his voice was low and full of charm, which made her very intoxicated.

She didn't nod or shake her head.

"Let's go outside for a walk, I haven't seen the mountain village at night yet." Sankui's deep voice was full of care.

Jiu Li felt very warm. Although she also lived to be 28 years old in her previous life, she was still a love novice and had never had a relationship with anyone.There has never been such warmth.

She once said that he recovered from his injuries and drove him away.

He never said to go, and she never mentioned it.

Everything is at ease, everything is in order.

Although the two were only together for a short period of time, it seemed as if they had been together for thousands of years, ten thousand years, and forever.

The two walked out of the house side by side. My aunt watched them go out from behind, and smiled.He ran towards the place where the candied fruit was placed.

When Qilang came back from washing the dishes, he saw the back of his aunt hurriedly turned into the house and ran towards the cook, as if he had a premonition, he hurriedly followed behind and shouted loudly, "Auntie, auntie. I saw it!"

The aunt paused, and the hand that was opening the kitchen door stopped in mid-air.Turning her head to look at Qilang, she smiled flatteringly, and said, "The candied fruit made by this girl Lili is so tempting, my aunt won't make it until tomorrow." When she said this, she stared at Qilang like a doormat, hoping He opened up.

Qilang shook his head vigorously and said, "My sister asked my aunt to eat three a day. Qilang has already asked my aunt to eat six today, and if I eat more, I will exceed it."

The aunt slowly took off her hand that had stopped in mid-air, like a child who has done something wrong, rubbed Shichiro's shoulders, rubbed her hands, and walked away dejectedly.

Qilang trotted after his aunt, and also entered his room.

Jiuli followed Sankui out of the gate, and turned right directly. The two walked towards Qu Feng's house at the same time. Although they chatted casually, they knew each other very well and were absent-minded.

Jiuli was restless tonight, thinking about this child all the time, if she didn't see this child, she might not be able to sleep well tonight.

The two stopped in front of Qu Feng's gate. Her house was a small wooden gate surrounded by a fence, and there were three rooms inside.At this time, a light came from the crack in the door of the house.They haven't slept yet.

From time to time, the voice of 'babbling' came out, and Jiuli recognized that voice as Xiao Yuanzi's.

"Oh, Xiao Yuanzi is good, Xiao Yuanzi eats, Xiao Yuanzi opens her mouth wide" Qu Feng seems to be working hard to feed the meal, although it is very difficult, she can see that she is very happy.Qu Feng, who has always liked to visit, did not visit their house today. This is already the first step she has taken to become a good mother.

The two stood there quietly, their shadows stretched very long under the moonlight.

The mountain wind was very strong at night, blowing in waves.Sankui couldn't help taking a step closer to her.Almost close to her body, she could feel his breath mixed with the unique body fragrance coming from his body.

Jiuli's hair was lifted up, and the wind accidentally poured into her neck. She couldn't help shivering, turned to Sankui who was still wearing thin clothes, and said, "Let's go back."

Sankui said in an extremely gentle tone, "Aren't you planning to go in and have a sit?"

Jiuli shook his head vigorously.

The two turned around, walked lightly towards the door of the house.

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