In the evening, Jiuli was packing bedding and the like in the yard, and Sankui was beside her helping her.The two were folding the quilt.

There was a noisy sound outside the door, and the little feet stepped heavily on the ground, making the sound of 'click', 'click', and 'click'.

Based on the sound coming from him, Jiuli judged that it was a child based on the force area, and there was a "vomit" and "vomit" redundant footsteps behind him.Must be someone who struggles to walk.

Jiuli was puzzled for a moment, then raised her head and said to Sankui, "It's Yuanzi."

Sankui's eyes were somewhat startled, and then he regained his composure, and then said, "There is Qu Feng's mother-in-law behind."

This time it was Jiu Li who was startled for a moment, and his eyes regained his composure in just an instant.Then he grinned at him.Sankui also laughed, and the smiles of the two were meaningful, but they understood each other.Putting down the quilts in each other's hands, they ran out of the gate one after the other.

Outside the door, Xiaoyuanzi had tears on his face, holding his little hands, and was running towards here in aggrieved manner, making a 'babbling' sound while running.Either they were looking for something, or they came to complain.

Behind her is Granny Jiuli who is limping over. Isn't she paralyzed?Now walking, although it is very slow, it is okay.

Jiu Li ran over, and Xiao Yuanzi threw herself into her arms, then bit her shoulders wildly, rubbing all over her body with his mouthful of saliva.

Through her distorted facial features, Jiuli can tell that he looks very handsome and handsome when he grows up after heals up.

Sankui followed closely behind, took him from Jiuli's arms, held him in his arms, turned and entered the house.

Jiuli looked at Mrs. Qu behind her. She seemed to have not walked on her legs for a long time, and she was a little unable to walk, and she exerted great strength every time she took a step.

Jiuli walked over quickly, helped Mrs. Qu, and helped her to the door of the house.

The two stood in the yard, Jiu Li was thinking about which room to put Mrs. Qu in?
She pointed to the sun room by herself, and said, "I'll just go in and stay overnight." When Jiuli heard this, her eyes were full of doubts.Didn't she come to send Yuanzi over?
what is that?

What do you mean I live here temporarily for one night?Her family, Qu Er, has come back. If it is Qu Er or Qu Feng who came to stay overnight, why is it Mrs. Qu who came to stay overnight?
Are the two of them home alone?
Thinking of this, Jiu Li didn't dare to think any further.

She took her into the sun room and found a soft couch. The area of ​​the sun room is not small, and there are only tables and chairs inside, as well as a charcoal stove for boiling water.This will make it easier for my aunt to drink water.

Qilang made a soft couch for her aunt, which belonged to her alone, with her backrest, pillows and other things on it, which were carefully designed by Jiuli for her.At night, when my aunt went to sleep in her own room, the soft couch was erected; the next day when she came to bask in the sun, she put it down. Everyone knew that no one would sit on my aunt's soft couch.

Later, Qilang made another soft couch, which was modified by himself according to Jiuli's design. It was not as good as that one, but it was not bad, especially for the elderly to lean on it very comfortably.It is similar to a small bed when it is opened, and it is a wooden chair in normal times.Put it in the sun room, and everyone sits when there is nothing to do.

Mrs. Qu was placed on this chair.

When she was leaning on the soft chair, she couldn't help staring at Jiu Lidao, "You should have designed this, right?"

Jiuli was stunned for a moment, she was a junior, she was an elder.How do elders call juniors you?It must have been a long time since she greeted anyone, did she use the wrong word?

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