Jiu Li brought some snacks, which my aunt usually likes to eat, she just ate a little, but didn't say anything.

She can shock people to death with a single word, and Jiu Li is sometimes afraid of her words.

Jiuli made another pot of Chinese herbal tea, which is good for the elderly, it can dispel dampness and detoxify, and help sleep.She didn't drink much either.

That night, Mrs. Qu spent the night here.Just sleeping on that soft couch, Jiuli covered her with the quilt, and she slept soundly all night.

It's just that she got up before dawn.After getting up, he went straight to the backyard of Jiuli's house.Hearing the sound of her crutches falling to the ground, Jiuli put on her clothes, opened the door and walked to the yard and said, "Do you need my help?" Her words were always so shocking that Jiuli didn't even know what to call her.

"You rest. I'm just going around the back yard." After finishing speaking, she continued to walk into the back yard leaning on crutches.Jiuli had no choice but to turn around, looking helplessly at the sky, the whole village was shrouded in blackness.Is it too early?
When she was about to open the door to enter the house, there was a sound of tossing and turning in Qilang's room. After dawn, Qilang was going to report to Yuelu Academy.Starting a new life from now on, you must have a vision for the future, right?

Jiuli smiled, pushed the door open and entered her room.

Mrs. Qu took a lot of effort to get to the backyard of Jiuli's house, leaning on the fence wall, looking at her own yard eagerly.

The small yard was quiet, as if there was no movement.

When Jiuli got up to practice in the morning, she was already standing there.It's just strange that the place where she was standing was very remote, there was a lot of thatch piled up there, and it was piled there when Jiuli cleaned up the yard, and it was intended to be used as fertilizer, and there was no special scenery.Although you can also see her small courtyard, it always feels awkward.

Jiuli moved a chair over and said, "You can rest for a while." Then she put a thick dress on her body.She didn't refuse.

Just sitting there so firmly, staring at his yard without blinking.

Jiuli turned around and was about to go to practice, when she suddenly stopped her and said, "Aren't you going to let this camellia tree in your yard live?"

Jiuli turned her head, looked at her and asked in shock, "Is there a camellia tree in this yard?"

She pointed to the haystack made of weeds and said, "Under here."

Jiuli remembered, just when she was reborn here, when she cleaned up the back yard, she saw that there was no use for a dead tree stump, so she piled weeds here, and used it to make It became the top of the wall and divided into two back yards.

The camellia stump was here, buried.

But she thought about it again, they were next to her wall, even if they knew there was a camellia tree here, there was nothing strange about it.

Jiuli turned around and walked back, continuing to practice.She just sat there, staring straight at her yard, occasionally turning her head to look a few times, but didn't say anything else.

An hour later, the backyard was filled with mottled sunlight, and Jiuli finished his morning exercise, sweating profusely.She was wiping the sweat off her brow with a piece of gauze.

"Your skills have recovered only [-]%." With her back turned to her, she said lightly, her voice was long and powerful.

Jiuli was wiping sweat with gauze, and her hand in mid-air stopped there for an instant, did she hear it wrong?Is it her?

To be exact, her skill has really recovered by [-]%, barely [-]%.How did she see it?

When Jiuli looked at her again, she was still sitting there steadily, staring at her small yard.It was as if she hadn't said the word just now.

Jiuli was stunned for a moment, and said to himself, "Maybe I misheard."

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