When Jiuli turned back to the front yard, he passed Qilang's room. Qilang had already gotten up, and the door of his room was half closed.

"Qilang?" Jiuli pushed the door open and walked in gently.

"Sister?" Qilang was already fully dressed, when he saw Jiuli coming in, he stood up and stared at Jiuli nervously.

"It's packed? Come over for breakfast later." Jiuli changed the subject, and saw his embarrassment when he entered the door.

Qilang kept rubbing his hands back and forth, his eyes were flickering, and he stammered, "Sister, can I really do it? I haven't studied in a day, and my brother-in-law taught me so many words. I can't even recognize my own name."

When Shichiro said this, he rubbed his hands even harder.The voice behind him was almost choked with sobs, "I'm the only one who is stupid in the Ruan family. My mother just doesn't want me because she thinks I'm worthless in the future. Can I go to such an academy?"

Speaking of this, he was already a little bit choked up with sobs, and even choked up and cried.

Jiuli took a step closer, patted his shoulder slowly, and said in a very gentle tone, "Don't worry, your brother-in-law will sit firmly at No. 1 from the bottom, and you will at most be the second from the bottom."

"Pfft." Qilang couldn't help laughing, lowered his head slightly, looked at his toes and said, "Is it true?"

"One hundred rest assured!" Jiuli comforted him again.

Qilang laughed through his tears this time, then wiped away his tears, nodded and said, "Sister, I'll go!"

Jiu Li patted him on the shoulder again, and said, "Your sister's expectation of you is that you only need to sit in the school every day, never be late or miss classes, and my sister has no other requirements."

Qilang scratched his head and said with a smile, "Sister, isn't this simple?"

The two walked out of the house talking and laughing together.

When the two walked to the kitchen, Qilang was boiling water and noodles, Qilang hurried up to help, saying, "Brother-in-law, let me do it."

To be honest, although Qilang's cooking is not very delicious, as long as you have eaten the food made by Sankui, you will know how delicious Qilang's cooking is.

Every time Sankui cooks for my aunt, my aunt just squeezes her nose and swallows. It's obviously the same seasoning, so you don't know how he mixes it.That unpalatable taste can't be made specially.

Seeing his brother-in-law in the kitchen, Shichiro rushed in quickly.

The three of them ate green vegetables and egg noodles, and Jiu Li specially made scallion pancakes for her aunt and Qu Feng's mother-in-law, and carefully put them in a pot to warm them up, and also boiled two eggs and put them there.

After that, the three of them dressed up and walked out of the house.

Jiu Li just went out to see them off, and Xiao Qi would pick her up later in the evening. She has other things to do today, so she won't accompany them to the academy.

There were many people waiting for Uncle Zhao's ox cart at the foot of the mountain, but Jiuli and the others got up early, and there were not many people when they came.

Sankui has been wearing casual clothes. Although Yuelu Academy has requirements, students must wear the uniform of the college when they go out. Always remember that you are a student studying, which is also a status symbol.

Sankui was the only one in the whole academy who wore casual clothes, and the dean always turned a blind eye.Therefore, when Sankui went out, few people knew that he was also a student of Yuelu Academy.

Qilang is wearing new clothes today, a brand new blue robe, which Jiuli made for him before, but he has never been willing to wear it, so he went to report to the academy today, and he just put it on.

For so many years, Shichiro hadn't worn new clothes, and suddenly he wore such eye-catching clothes.Everyone looked sideways and whispered, "Who is this boy?"

"The second idiot of the Ruan family." Someone whispered.

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