"This is the second idiot of the Ruan family?" Everyone looked at each other in dismay, "Impossible?"

"Why is this impossible? The big idiot has done things we dare not do, and such magnificent houses have been built; what's the fuss about the second idiot wearing new clothes."

"No wonder people say that fools are blessed with fools, and our lives are worse than fools. Hey! To be honest, I have not known what new clothes look like for more than ten years."

"Who isn't? I haven't worn a new dress since I married into their family."

When everyone was discussing here, they lowered their voices. With Jiuli's ear strength, Jiuli could hear clearly, but he raised his head and glanced at Sankui. He seemed to be approaching Qilang, and turned his face slightly, like He was saying something to him.It should be a matter of some rules and regulations of the college.

But Jiu Li knew that he heard it, but he just pretended not to hear it.

Today is Qilang's first day of school, she doesn't want to hit anyone at this time, and she doesn't want to be at her own door.So she stood on tiptoe and looked around, trying to distract herself from what they were talking about.

There are more and more people, and today happens to be the day when there is a big market in the town, and many people are willing to go there by car.Uncle Zhao's ox cart is very strange. When he asks for money for the ox cart, he doesn't pay much at a time.It's a month or half a month, door to door.Even if you sit for one time, it may be so much money, and if you sit for a day, it may not be much.Similar to a monthly subscription.So who doesn't want to ride in a car?
Therefore, squeezing Uncle Zhao's carriage is a technical job.Every morning when Sankui went to school, Jiu Li had to send it out in person, otherwise, in Sankui's state, he wouldn't be able to squeeze in even once.

Every time he collects money, Jiuli will often give him more, so he takes good care of Sankui, and Sankui can basically sit in the bullock cart every morning.

The second lady Ruan was also like this. In order to avoid Ruan Dalang being late, she also gave Uncle Zhao a little extra money.Uncle Zhao also took care of Ruan Dalang a lot.

He only said to the outside world, let the students of the academy take the car first, and how many miles around, then it will be Ruan Dalang and Sankui?So everyone has no opinion.There must be room for these two people every day.

When Shichiro stood here in a new robe, everyone didn't know what he was doing.A few gossiping women asked, "How old is the second idiot? Shouldn't it be time to find a wife? Are you going on a blind date in town today?"

"Have you got it? How old is he? Besides, who's interested in him? Do you think he's stupid? Ruan Dalang hasn't moved at all, why did he start looking for a wife?"

"Ruan Dalang will be promising in the future. He can be a high-ranking official. Who among the girls in our neighborhood is worthy of him? This Ruan Ersha is different, because the girls in our neighborhood look down on her, so he went The other parties tricked one back from afar."

A few gossiping women stood here and talked happily, even laughing at themselves.This Qilang has a name, why is he the second idiot?

He wore a brand new and trendy dress today. Based on their thinking, he was going on a blind date to cheat his wife?
Jiuli rubbed her two fists together, making a 'cluck', 'cluck', 'cluck' sound, but she tried her best to hold back.She was watching Shichiro's expression.

Qilang looked happy, and occasionally turned his head to talk to Sankui, very happy, he should have heard the 'Ruan Er fool' talked about by others.Presumably he didn't know who the others were referring to?Anyway, as long as he didn't nominate him, he didn't think it was him.

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