Only ten people can sit on the bullock cart. Basically, if there are ten people in the row, No. 11 people have to go back.Uncle Zhao's ox cart has already arrived.These few people went up and sat up.

Since Jiuli stood here, Sankui was given a middle position. He has inconvenient legs and feet, and everyone is willing to take care of him.Qilang also went up, and there were exactly ten people including Qilang.

Uncle Zhao saw that the car was full of people, and was about to drive the cattle away. "Wait a minute!" A rough voice suddenly called out from behind, Jiu Li stood by the roadside and turned slightly sideways.In fact, you don't need to look, she also knows who it is, if it's not Ruan Erniang and Ruan Dalang, who are they?

Ruan Dalang had been rested at home for several days since the last time Jiuli gave him a treatment. Although the injury was not serious, it was on his eyes and forehead, so he didn't go out for a few days.

Today is the first day to go to class after recovering from the injury. When going out, Erniang Ruan told her to wear an extra layer of clothes inside;

I babbled a lot in the morning, but didn't touch on the key words, and it was too late when I went to drive the ox cart.

I was already in a bad mood, but at this time the ox cart left again.Suddenly, Second Lady Ruan yelled loudly, "Wait a minute!"

The eyes of the people on the bullock cart turned to Mrs. Ruan Erniang in an instant, and someone couldn't help asking, "Is there no room for Da Lang?"

No one said anything. After getting up early and waiting all morning, who would go down and let him go?

Anyone who comes to ride an ox cart must take it, but if things are not so urgent and you can sit or not, there is no need for everyone to wait here all morning.

"I know I have to go to school today, but I still get up so late." Finally, someone in the bullock cart said this.

Once someone spoke, someone said, "I don't pay much attention to my schooling, so who else can I expect?"

When Ruan Dalang approached, everyone sat on the bullock cart with peace of mind, and no one got off.

Mrs. Ruan Er looked at the people in the cart full of bullocks, and no one gave up a seat for her son. At that time, she looked at Uncle Zhao with a smile on her face and said, "Mr. Her, look at who can give us a seat." Lang? Doesn’t he have to go to the academy? One day in the future, he will have a prosperous official career, and maybe he will be our county magistrate in the future.”

Uncle Zhao was smiling. He looked around the ten people in the car, but still no one got up.Everyone has paid, so he can't drive anyone out?

Uncle Zhao's face was full of apology, he looked up at the sky, then turned to Erniang Ruan and said, "His aunt, it's getting late, and many people in the car have something to do? We can't wait any longer."

Uncle Zhao was driving the car to leave, and at this time, Mrs. Ruan found the dog-like Qilang in the car, his second son.

At that time, he went up like crazy, grabbed Qilang who had been lowering his head and didn't dare to look at her, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Occupying the latrine and not shitting. Your brother has no place to sit, you just scream Keep silent!"

Qilang stood up from the carriage, and said to Mrs. Ruan, "I also go to the academy, and I will be a student of Yuelu Academy in the future, just like Dalang."

The people on the bullock cart burst out laughing instantly.Qilang's stupidity is as famous as Jiuli's.Someone said, "If he can be a student of Yuelu Academy, everyone in our bullock cart can go!"

"I don't know a single word, and I haven't attended school for a day. How did you get in? Did you get in in a dream!" Mrs. Ruan yelled at him angrily. The people in the carriage laughed, and the ox cart was trembling.

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