Qilang blushed from holding back, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it, and was muttering.

Jiuli walked over slowly, approached the carriage, stretched out his hand to Qilang, and said, "Give me the notice in your arms."

Sankui winked at Qilang, and Qilang remembered the invitation letter in his arms, which was a formal notice to go to Yuelu Academy.He quickly handed it to Jiuli.

Jiuli took out the invitation letter embroidered with gold-plated characters, opened it, and read out: "Good News: Your young master Ruan Qilang has been admitted to Yuelu Academy. We hereby inform you."

Jiuli read it calmly, and then closed the invitation letter. The invitation letter was real, but the content inside was made up.Dean Xiao Jiang gave a notice, but didn't specify who would go to it, it was just to make up for ten taels of silver.Of course Shichiro can go there, right?

No one doubted the authenticity of the content inside, because the invitation letter was genuine.

Except for Sankui, none of the people on the bullock cart could read.Ruan Dalang, who was literate, stood aside. He had found a relationship to enter the academy, and he hadn't received a notice either?

So he didn't know if it was a notice, but he did see the seal of the invitation letter, which belonged to Yuelu Academy.No one dared to question it.

The people on the bullock cart fell silent for a moment, and everyone stopped talking, because they didn't know what to say.Including Ruan Er Niangzi was confused.She looked at the people on the bullock cart and couldn't believe it was true.

At this moment, Uncle Zhao suddenly turned his head to look at Jiuli, and said, "Lili, how much does it cost for Qilang to buy a notice at Yuelu Academy?"

Jiuli paused for a moment, stretched out a hand, straightened it, and turned it back again.

Immediately someone asked, "100 taels of silver?"

Jiuli shook his head.

"1000 taels of silver?"

Jiuli shook his head again.

"1 million taels?"

Jiu Li let out a long sigh, then shook his head, and said loudly, "Ten taels of silver!"

The people on the bullock cart immediately became overwhelmed, and said to Jiu Li, "Li Li, we have ten taels of silver in our family, let Tie Tou go to it?"

"Lili, can we lend ten taels of silver to Gao Fu?"

Jiu Li waved his hands at them, then pointed to Er Niang Ruan behind him and said, "You can ask her, it's all handled by someone."

Then he curled his lips into a smile, turned around, and strode away.

yes?Is this Qilang the biological son of the second wife of the Ruan family?She has already got Da Lang in.This Erlang must have been brought in by her.

Then someone shouted loudly, "Miss Ruan Er, how much money did Da Lang spend to get in? How much money did Er Lang spend to go in?"

"Miss Ruan, tell the truth? We'll look for you at night!"

Second Lady Ruan stood there, her face darkened, she turned around, glared fiercely at the direction Jiuli was leaving, spat out a mouthful of smear on the ground, and said, "You vicious little hoof! "

She couldn't care about Da Lang anymore, and turned and ran away.

Everyone watched the second lady of the Ruan family walk away.Someone reminded, "It's getting late, Mr. Zhao, hurry up?"

Uncle Zhao had no choice but to turn his head to look at the bewildered Ruan Dalang and the second lady Ruan who walked away, and suddenly raised the bullwhip.The bullock cart slowly headed towards the town.

Ruan Dalang didn't get in the bullock cart again this time. What made him even more confused was that Sankui, a sick man, was not good enough, but there was also Qilang, who couldn't read a single word, who was also a classmate with him?
There was a stone under his feet, he raised his foot and kicked it out fiercely.There was a 'bang' sound from the stone, as if it had kicked someone.He cursed casually, "It's his grandma! What kind of world is this!"

As the scolding fell to the ground, someone fell to the ground with an 'oops' and screamed, "Who is this blind? How did you kick the stone on someone else?"

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