Chapter 271 fainted

Jiu Li quickly walked towards the kitchen.

Xiaoyuanzi walked up to Sankui in a few steps, tilted his head, and said in an innocent voice, "Are you my father?"

Sankui was startled, the stick he was holding accidentally fell off, and bounced high on the ground with a 'snap'.

Xiao Yuanzi bent down to pick it up, and gave it to him again, "Why are you so careless, sir? Can't you hold this stick? Hey, I will have to rely on me for the family affairs from now on."

Sankui didn't answer this question, but just squatted down, approached him, and said in a low voice, "Did she call you my dad?"

Xiao Yuanzi shook her head vigorously and said, "I call her sister."

There was a gloomy look on Sankui's face for a moment, but it was just a flash, and Xiao Yuanzi hadn't had time to catch it.

My aunt is basking in the sun in the yard. Just now, I saw two people here arranging sheets and quilts. The autumn sun lazily sprinkled in the yard. It was a very comfortable life.

She was enjoying the present moment very much, that's when Xiao Yuanzi woke up and walked into the yard.

She heard the conversation between the three of them clearly just now. At this moment, she coughed slightly, cleared her throat, and said in a very clear voice, "You should call him brother-in-law."

Xiaoyuanzi looked him up and down, then looked at him with a very disdainful expression, and said, "Don't rob me of my sister."

After speaking, he ran away.

It was running in the yard, where a lot of bed sheets, quilt covers, and colorful flowers were dried in the yard, which was very beautiful.

Xiaoyuanzi ran around in the yard like this, bypassing a quilt and passing through another quilt.I don't know how long I ran, and I was sweating profusely.Hearty laughter echoed in the yard.

Jiuli's egg and green vegetable noodles were cooked, and the bowl was still steaming slightly. She took the bowl to the yard and put it on the table in the yard to dry for a while.

It was at this time that Qu Feng came to Jiuli's house humming a little song.She heard the child's play from a long distance. After all, she had a child in her womb, so she was very sensitive when she heard the child's laughter.

Where did the child come from Jiuli's family?

That's when she came in.

When she stepped into the yard, Xiao Yuanzi was circling in the yard, turned to the door, and almost hit her in the arms.

Qu Feng is funny and enthusiastic.

At this time, she smiled heartily and said, "Since when did you have an extra doll at home?"

None of the people in the yard spoke, including Qilang, who had been talking to her before, also kept silent at this time.

Sankui didn't speak, and my aunt also pretended not to hear.

Jiu Li put down the bowl in her hand, and walked towards Qu Feng with a smile, but actually she was walking towards Xiao Yuanzi.

Xiao Yuanzi suddenly looked at her, smiled, and asked, "Are you my mother?"

Seeing Xiao Yuanzi's face, Qu Feng couldn't control it all of a sudden, and passed out.Fortunately, Jiuli had been prepared for a long time, so she jumped over and caught her firmly.

It's just that Jiu Li's leap was really fast.Like lightning, several people in the yard didn't notice, she hugged Qu Feng firmly.

It's just that Sankui looked at her eyes, glanced at her slightly, and lowered his eyes slightly. At that moment, there seemed to be a thousand words in his eyes, but finally he didn't say anything.

He carried Xiaoyuanzi to eat noodles, and Jiuli carried Qu Feng into the sun room.

No one else paid much attention to Jiuli's movements, only Sankui kept looking at Jiuli while feeding Xiao Yuanzi.Just now she carried her into the sun room.Isn't this Qu Feng a thin person?

(End of this chapter)

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