Chapter 272 Thinking Too Much

Ever since Xiaoyuanzi called her "mother", Qu Feng didn't dare to come to Jiuli's house for a long time.She didn't say a word about Yuanzi.

The only time Jiuli saw her was standing in the back yard, watching her alone in the yard through the gap in the fence, sitting alone on the stone bench, looking up at the camellia tree in a daze.

Xiaoyuanzi can already visit the house, the memory of that period of dementia has been erased, now he only remembers his master and nothing else.

Sometimes, Jiu Li would get some green vegetables for Xiaoyuanzi to take over. Xiaoyuanzi's short legs ran very fast. He didn't need to knock on the door, but just stood outside the fence and yelled, "Qu Feng, did my sister ask me to bring it to you? It's right outside the door."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qu Feng is not afraid of Jiuli, she has a shadow in her heart, and that shadow comes from Xiao Yuanzi.At this time, Xiaoyuanzi often came outside her wall. After a few times, she got used to it, and she boldly opened the door, or leaned against the fence and waited for Xiaoyuanzi to come over.

Once, she finally saw the doll clearly, with eyes as black as ink, with righteous and innocent eyes.The face is clear and the smile is bright.

Where is this the demented, drooling little Yuanzi she once raised?
Besides, he has fallen into the abyss, it is impossible to come up, and it is impossible to climb up. She is familiar with the terrain there, and many people have fallen into it. No one has climbed up yet.

Could it be that he asked for her life?But she didn't push it down, did she?But after all, she didn't take good care of it.She looked at Yuanzi with some self-reproach and apology.

He looked at the shadow on the ground again, his shadow was small, almost coincided with his height.

"This is the vegetable my sister gave you, and there is a piece of meat in it." After Xiao Yuanzi finished speaking, she put a small basket by her wall, and smiled with her lips curled up, "Come and get it yourself."

Then she ran away in a hurry.It's just that when he smiles, it's so sunny and bright, I always feel that smile is very familiar, who is it like?
After Xiaoyuanzi left, she suddenly remembered, isn't this the small version of Sankui?Jiuli's crippled husband, is this his illegitimate son?She was born and adopted by another woman outside, otherwise how could she be so similar?

Thinking of this, she felt a little relieved.

After that, she often went to Jiuli's house to play and tease Xiao Yuanzi.Also joked with my aunt.

It's just that once when everyone was standing in the yard playing, Shichiro was playing with Madoka, and Madoka chased Sankui with a smile.Sankui happily ran ahead, while Xiao Yuanzi chased after him.Both of them laughed and danced.

At this time, Qilang just came out from the main room with a hammer, she was stunned when she saw this scene, pointed at the two people running in the yard, and said in astonishment, "Look, what happened to Yuanzi and brother-in-law?" How does it look like this? Yuanzi looks like her brother-in-law when she was a child?"

Qu Feng and San Kui, including my aunt, are all in the yard.

Qu Feng was about to enter the sun room, and Jiuli was drying clothes, she suddenly straightened up, looked at Sankui, and then at Xiaoyuanzi.Then he stared at Sankui mysteriously and said, "Hey, to be honest, what's going on?"

Sankui's face turned red suddenly, what's going on?

He stopped, and Xiao Yuanzi hugged him from behind.He picked him up and kissed him lightly.

Qu Feng's heart instantly blossomed with joy, she concluded that this little Yuanzi was born by Sankui with other women outside, otherwise why would she have fallen in love with Jiuli, an ugly monster?

From then on, there was no shadow in Qu Feng's heart. It turned out that she was worrying too much about everything.

(End of this chapter)

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