Chapter 273
There will be an exam in the academy recently.

Because there are many students, most of whom come from all over the world, and the level of the students is different, it is very difficult to learn, and there are few outstanding masters, so a preliminary examination is required.

Those who are qualified stay, those who fail go home to study, and take the exam again next year.

There is no name for this exam, but it is still very important to many students here.Because it is directly related to their fate.

This news was announced a month in advance, but San Kui never told Jiu Li that he didn't take it seriously.

Qilang doesn't need to take exams, he goes to the academy just to make his sister happy, not to study, and not for fame and fortune.

His sister's requirement for him is that he can know a few words.He thought so too, and he expressed his thoughts to his master on the first day he went to school.

Originally, I was a related household, so I was related to the end, and I didn't take the exam, so I stayed here to study.He is very laid back and relaxed, studying his carving and woodworking in his spare time.

There are still three days before the exam.

Once Jiuli was frying meatballs in the kitchen, and Qilang helped to heat the pot, putting in one branch after another, and the flame was very even.It is much better than Sankui cooking pot. The siblings cooperate very well. The meatballs are yellow and shiny, and they look very appetizing.Almost half of the village can smell the fragrance of oil.

This kind of fried food is a luxury for the mountain people in Xianxia Village.Some of them have lived most of their lives without eating them.

Jiuli and his family don't eat it often, Xiaoyuanzi likes it very much, especially vegetarian meatballs, which taste like meat.My aunt also loves to eat.

It's easy to put away in cooler weather.Jiuli would occasionally make some and put them away, and would take a few when eating.

When Qilang put a match on the bottom of the pot, he suddenly said, "Sister, the weather is getting colder and colder. I will go to collect more firewood the day after tomorrow and put it in the woodshed for winter use."

Jiuli was holding a piece of dough in his hand, looked up at him, and asked suspiciously, "You won't go to school the day after tomorrow?"

Qilang shook his head and said, "I don't need to go, someone else will go."

Jiu Li brushed the broken hair on her face with her sleeve, stared at him, and asked doubtfully, "If you don't go, someone else will go, what do you mean?"

The worry flashed across Jiuli's face, she was afraid that Qilang would not go to school, Qilang must know nothing about learning.Could it be that he couldn't bear it?

"Didn't my brother-in-law tell me?" Qilang tilted his head to look at the flames at the bottom of the pot, added another piece of firewood, and continued, "We will take the exam in the school the day after tomorrow. Those who pass the test will stay, and those who fail will go home and study again next year."

"Oh." Jiuli snorted lightly, and continued to roll the dough in his hand.

Qilang seemed to have just remembered something, and continued, "Brother Dalang doesn't need to go either."

Jiu Li stopped what he was doing again, looked at him, and asked suspiciously, "You don't take the test because you don't have to, and why is Da Lang?"

"Because Dalang has long been a scholar, he doesn't need to take this exam. But brother-in-law must take it. He is not even a child." Although Qilang is not good at studying, these are very clear. When others talked about these things in the academy, his eyes Blinking and listening.

What 'Xiucai', 'Tongsheng', 'Desktop' and so on, are very clear.

He continued, "Brother-in-law can only be a child if he passes the pass, and he can stay in the academy. But..."

(End of this chapter)

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