Chapter 292 Miao Chuntang

Huo Shiyu and Shao Yao led several guards out of Qingqian Villa overnight, and headed straight for the capital, running fast and fast.

After arriving in the capital, he didn't stop, and didn't even enter the Hou's mansion.

First, I went to Miaochuntang.Miaochuntang is the most famous medical clinic in the capital, where there are many talented people.Several imperial doctors in the palace went out from there.

It's just strange that the shopkeeper of this shop is also surnamed Liu, and people like to call him Big Shopkeeper Liu.Huo Shiyu never thought about why he called him shopkeeper Da Liu.

Shopkeeper Liu is short, fat, and has a round face. He always walks around the door of the medical center with a smile on his face.Everyone always has a kind feeling when they see him at first sight.

The shopkeeper surnamed Liu of Miaochuntang has practiced medicine for generations, and every generation will have an outstanding doctor in charge of Miaochuntang.Presumably, the medical skills of the treasurer Liu must be superb.

When she was very young, the old shopkeeper Liu of Miao Chun Tang came to the house several times to see a doctor for Qian'er, and Huo Jiang invited her back.Later, after the shopkeeper Liu passed away, he didn't have much dealings with Miao Chuntang.

It's just that Qian'er is so seriously ill now, she doesn't want to be charged with this crime, because she changed the medicine and killed the young master, and she won't be able to clean up when she jumps into the Yellow River.

When Huo Shiyu's carriages appeared at the gate of Miaochuntang, shopkeeper Liu looked at the battle and the carriage, and had already guessed which one it was, and even everyone had guessed it.

Although the capital is very large, there are only a few big families, and only a few royal relatives.Whose family members, he has already familiarized himself with, especially the young master of the Hou Mansion, although he is not in the capital, it is no secret that his body is weak, especially those who have already been listed on the lists of major medical centers.

That is, the young master of the Hou Mansion suffered from congenital intractable diseases, which could only be raised, but not cured.

When Huo Shiyu appeared in Miaochuntang with a veil on, shopkeeper Liu guessed what was going on.It is also an extremely honorable thing to be favored by the Hou Mansion and to treat illnesses in person.

The most important thing is that this is an intractable disease that no one can cure. As long as there is improvement, you can win fame.Shopkeeper Da Liu warmly received this group of people.

After Shaoyao explained the situation in detail, the shopkeeper Liu heard that it was because of changing the medicine that delayed his illness, which caused the young master to become seriously ill. He felt that it would not be difficult to improve slightly, at least to alleviate the condition .

"Hey" the big shopkeeper Liu sighed and said, "Even if the medicine is not changed, it may lead to this result, and the little doctor in the town calls himself a 'miracle doctor', isn't that a lie? Even the imperial doctor in the capital dare not call himself a 'miracle doctor'?"

Shopkeeper Liu's words spoke to Huo Shiyu's heart, didn't she just think so?
Even if she doesn't change the medicine, this Huo Qian's illness will get worse, maybe even worse.But now all the responsibility is pushed on her, she can't bear it.

Although she didn't admit that Jiuli was a 'miracle doctor', whenever she stood in front of her, she always felt flustered, maybe it was because she hit her several times.

If Huo Qian hadn't stopped her last time, she would have torn that 'country girl' to pieces.At this time, after hearing the words of Shopkeeper Liu, she felt a lot more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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