Chapter 293
Now it is an imminent matter. It will take a day and a night to travel from the capital to Xianxia Mountain without stopping.

Shopkeeper Liu immediately took Imperial Physician Zhang with him, and the group headed straight for Xianxia Mountain.

This Imperial Physician Zhang has excellent medical skills. When he was young, he worked as a clerk in Miaochuntang. Because of his ingenuity, his knowledge of pharmacology, and his hard work, he was quickly noticed by the shopkeeper Liu, and he was accepted as an apprentice. .

Gradually, she became famous, and by chance, she was admitted to the imperial palace and became an excellent imperial doctor.

Even if he became an imperial physician, he would often come to Miao Chun Tang, which was his home after all.

When Shopkeeper Liu invited him to come with him, he originally wanted to shirk, because the imperial doctor walked in the palace and basically did not go out for diagnosis and treatment, unless there were special circumstances.

Hearing that he is the nephew of the concubine Ming and the young master of the Hou family, he immediately agreed.

In fact, a long time ago, he had treated the young master once, not only once, but three times. Each time, he just prescribed a little medicine, and then he improved a little. If he stopped the medicine, it would be the same again.

Doctor Zhang is already used to it.It's just that at that time, the line was led by the concubine Ming, this time it was through Miao Chuntang.He didn't mind, he got into the carriage with the medicine box and followed.

When they reached the top of the mountain non-stop, Lord Hou had already arrived.He has also received the news that the young master has fallen into a coma.

Two days ago, the young master was unconscious.Hou Ye was not there at that time, and neither was Huo Shiyu.Madam Hou had no choice but to think of Shopkeeper Liu in Xianxia Town, and the "little miracle doctor" Jiuli who once treated her, so she ordered a few guards to let her go to Xianxia Town once.

He plans to ask shopkeeper Liu and Jiuli to go up the mountain again.

On the day those guards came, Jiu Li was performing an operation on San Kui, and shopkeeper Liu avoided this matter in a timely manner, saying that he would go up the mountain in the next few days.

The guards told them to go up the mountain immediately, shopkeeper Liu pointed to the mysterious 'operating room' and said, "Miss Ruan is still sick, I'm afraid I'll let the little prince get angry, she will definitely pass in the next few days. "

The guards were helpless, fearing that shopkeeper Liu would be unreliable, so he paid the consultation fee, and then left.

Sankui lived in the Renhe Medical Center for three days, and shopkeeper Liu didn't say a word about going to Qingqian Villa to treat the little lord. He knew it was nothing.

I didn't talk about it until the fourth day.

It was still Xiaoqi who was driving the carriage, shopkeeper Liu was sitting in the carriage, and the three of them headed straight to the top of the mountain.That was already the third day that Doctor Zhang had been in Qingqian Villa.

Doctor Zhang came to Qingqian Villa, washed up briefly, ate something, and then went to see the young master.Little Hou Ye was breathing weakly and was already unconscious.

Doctor Zhang tried acupuncture, massage, and medicine, all of which were useless. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and said, "There is only one way, and that is to use the blood of close relatives and sisters as a primer for the medicine. There is no other way."

Hou Ye Huo Jiang was the first to think of Huo Shiyu in the mansion. She and Xiao Hou Ye were twins born of the same child. Their blood is the most harmonious. The key point is that Huo Shiyu's body has always been very strong.

When she found Huo Shiyu, she didn't refuse at all, she readily accepted the matter, and was willing to use her own blood to make medicine for her younger brother.

When the blood was drawn, Huo Jiang was moved to tears.I feel that his precious daughter is simply too sensible.

(End of this chapter)

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