Chapter 315 This is Miss

Qilang painted Jiuli like this, one by one, I don't know if Sankui saw it, or didn't care at all.

It's just that once when he was painting, he suddenly took it over and added a few strokes on it.God, it's so lifelike.

With just those few strokes, Sister Jiuli seemed to have stepped into the painting, the only thing is that the birthmark on her face was not painted.

When get out of class was over, he couldn't help saying, "Brother-in-law, why is my sister so beautiful when she doesn't have this birthmark?" After finishing speaking, he looked Sankui up and down again, shook his head and said, "Brother-in-law, can you marry me?" My sister really earned it."

Sankui just smiled lightly and didn't speak.Then he stretched out his hand and pushed his head under the table all at once.

At this time, the master would cast a puzzled look, and then add, "Sankui, don't you study anymore?"

Sankui smiled lightly, and then added lightly, "Qilang, so you didn't come here to study. You almost led me astray."

Shichiro would cover his stomach and laugh, sometimes laughing until his stomach hurts.

He admired his brother-in-law, even though he was crippled, the action of pushing his head down just now was very powerful.The force is even, powerful and harmless, as if that force is a warm current.

Only his brother-in-law had this feeling, it was a feeling that made him very tender, like a baby lying in the arms of an adult.

Sankui added a few strokes to the portrait of Jiuli, which he kept in his bag every day.It seems that there are both brother-in-law and sister in it, and he would not show it to ordinary people.

At this moment, seeing this noble man standing here, with a benevolent look and a very high status, it must not be a bad thing to find my sister.

So he took out a small box from his bag, opened it, and then took out the painting, unfolded it to Jiang Hai, pointed to the human being on the painting, and said, "Did you see it?"

Jiang Hai's eyes were wide open, and he was in a daze for a moment. Isn't this Mrs. Hou?Look at her graceful profile, so exquisite.But those eyes, no matter how you look at them, look like Lord Hou.So bright, deep, and mysterious, it seems like you can never see the end.

she laughed.This is the lady.Like Madam, but also like Lord Hou, the daughter of the Hou Mansion, this is what it should look like.

"Did you see it? This is the daughter of the third room of the Ruan family, my sister Jiuli." Qilang read it for him, and quickly put it away, he was not willing to give it to him.

Jiang Hai pursed his lips slightly.

Qilang opened the curtain in the carriage at once, and said to Wu Niang inside, "Okay, don't pretend. Come out."

Ruan Wuniang blushed with embarrassment. If this was normal, she would definitely go up and kick Qilang a few times, and she didn't beat him less when she was a child.But not now?

After all, it was her who was at fault, if she yelled out, where would she put Wu Niang's face in the future?Will you still find your in-laws after this?
She jumped out of the carriage, covered her face, and ran towards Ruan's house.

This Jiang Hai didn't chase him any more.After all, the Ruan family is also kind to the eldest lady?The eldest lady must be surnamed Ruan at present.let her go.Anyway, no damage was done.

Old man Ruan didn't understand anything yet, he knew that Ruan Qilang was not a smart person either.Looking at Jiang Hai, he couldn't help saying, "I said, son, isn't this Wuniang not good? Are you empathizing again? Let me tell you, that little fool is not ugly, let alone ugly. No way. He has a husband. We can't do that."

(End of this chapter)

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