Chapter 316
Jiang Hai smiled faintly at him, took out some broken silver from his sleeve pocket and gave it to him, and arranged for him to return the carriage.Then he followed Shichiro away.

He led the horse and leaned against Shichiro.

It was the first time Qilang had someone of this status approach him, and he was still not used to it.He tilted his head and looked at Jiang Hai again and again, not knowing what he was going to do.

When Qilang was in Yuelu Academy, although there were many sons with prominent families in it, they basically ignored Qilang.

Qilang sometimes sat in the school, and they all pretended not to see him. Anyway, he didn't come to study, eat, play, and never took him with him.

Even Qilang's Sankui at the same table, they didn't pay much attention to him, the person who came last in every exam, and he was a waste of emotion and worthless to associate with him.

Except for Liu Hong, of course, San Kui saved him, and he deeply apologized to San Kui.

Therefore, even though Qilang was studying at Yuelu Academy, no one like Jiang Hai approached him.Jiang Hai leaned against him with such a smile, he thought Jiang Hai was going to rob him.

Can't help but cover the bag on his shoulder.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Hai added, "Where does your third uncle live?"

Qilang paused, shook his head, and said provocatively, "I don't remember what my third uncle and third aunt look like. But if you are looking for my sister Jiuli, you don't need to ask about my third uncle and third aunt. Our family lives in Village head."

Qilang was not afraid to tell her his home address at all. If he was really a bad person, he would really have to think carefully if he wanted to find trouble at home.

Although Qilang never said that Jiuli knew kung fu, everyone lived together after all. One day, he had a stomachache in the middle of the night and went to the latrine.In the middle of the night, they would basically go to the hut in the back yard.

When he walked lightly to the back yard.

Seeing the trance-like figures in the courtyard at the Moon Gate, he was in a drowsy sleep, but was awakened in an instant, and he regained his energy.

"Could it be a ghost, why are there people?" He was astonished, then crouched in the corner of the wall and squatted secretly in the vegetable field to watch.

The figure flew up and down, volleying left and right, the figure was sometimes on the treetops, and sometimes on the ground.Qilang was fascinated by watching, is this a human or a ghost?

He squatted there and didn't dare to say a word. He didn't dare to go to the thatch to defecate, so he solved it directly in the vegetable field.After squatting like this for half an hour, he felt that his legs were numb.

The figure in the back yard of the Moon Gate finally stopped, and then stretched a little.Then came here.

Under the moonlight, that thin, small figure, if not my sister Jiuli, who is it?
When did his sister Jiuli become so powerful?A master of martial arts.

Wouldn't it be a dream?

He pinched his own face hard, it was very painful, it didn't look like a dream.

The figure was getting closer and closer, Qilang didn't care about other things, took advantage of the gap when Jiuli bent over to put on his shoes, ran into the front yard, and then quickly ran into his room.

Jiuli didn't notice the sounds outside because of the practice she had just put in. She was only sensitive to unfamiliar sounds or breaths. Unless the breaths of family members were very loud, it was not easy for her to judge.

Little did he know that Qilang had just squatted in the vegetable field for more than half an hour, secretly watching her practice.

And so she strode toward the front yard.It's just that when she walked through the vegetable field, she sniffed her nose vigorously, and then looked around the toilet. There was no one in it, so she said to herself, "What kind of smell is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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