Chapter 317 Peeping at Martial Arts
Jiuli stepped on it with one foot, and there was a 'pop' sound, softly, as if she had stepped on something.

She raised her foot and yelled "Ah", and couldn't help but yelled, "Who made it?"

Just now she couldn't help shouting out, when she turned around, Sankui was already standing behind her.He was dressed in white obscene clothes, hunting and dancing in the night wind, standing there was so unreal.As if it fell from the moon.

Jiu Li couldn't help asking, "Don't you sleep at night?"

He just looked at her and asked in the same tone, "Don't you sleep at night?"

Jiu Li lowered his head and didn't speak, he wiped his feet vigorously on the vegetable field, he supported her, and waited for her to clean the things on her feet.

The two walked slowly towards the front yard.

Qilang tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't that Sister Jiuli stepped on his stool just now, but when did Sister Jiuli become like this?

I remember that last year she was bullied by the children in the village and ran all over the mountain. How did she become so powerful all of a sudden?He believed he was not blind.

He didn't sleep well all night.

The next day, he got up early, and he planned to quickly deal with the things he made last night.By the time he hurriedly felt in the back yard, the pile of things he made last night had been cleaned up.

My brother-in-law is squatting by the pool and washing my sister's shoes seriously.

He walked over a few steps, scratched his head, and said with embarrassment and affection, "Brother-in-law? I'm so sorry." He didn't know why he said that.

Sankui put down the shoes in his hand, looked up at him, and said in a steady and calm tone, "Did you get startled last night?"

He was really shocked last night, but how did brother-in-law know?
With so many people in the family, why does that pile of shit have to be him?Could it be Madoka or aunt?They hadn't gotten up yet, and he didn't ask, why was he so sure?
He scratched his head and said nothing, because he didn't know what to say.

Sankui patted him on the shoulder, and said in a gentle voice, "Just sleep peacefully at night."

After speaking, he took Jiuli's shoes and headed towards the front yard.Shichiro just stood there, scratching his head vigorously.From what my brother-in-law just said, it seems like he knows everything?

Since then, he has known that his sister can martial arts, and it is very high.He was not so tall, he woke up a few times at night, and sneaked a few times by lying on the corner of the wall. Sister Jiuli was practicing kung fu, dazzled, he couldn't see what tricks she was using, and she disappeared.

In the last two days, after Sankui's brother-in-law had the surgery, he also discovered a secret.His brother-in-law also knows martial arts, and can shoot birds from the air with leaves. I don't know if my sister knows it.

It looks no less than my sister.

Living in such a home every day, he felt so confident.They are all bragging about what kind of martial arts masters they are, what they have practiced, only their sister and brother-in-law, living in the village so simply.

He didn't say a word, but he, Shichiro, hadn't seen the person who wanted to surpass her sister.

Sister Jiuli never seeks trouble from others, if others come here to trouble her, it is purely their overthinking.

At that time, I don't know how to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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