Chapter 325 Enjoy Time
When it was almost time for dinner, Qilang ran over sweating profusely and approached Jiu Lidao, "Sister, there is an opera singer in the village tonight, I'm going to see it, so don't wait for me to have dinner together. Is there anyone else in the family going with me?"

There are still many things to deal with at home, Sankui's injury has not fully recovered, and Xiaoyuanzi still has to eat.How could she have time to go to the theater in this family, big and small?
She shook her head and said, "You go, come back early."

Qilang went to say hello to his brother-in-law and aunt again, and even went to show off to Madoka.

Mariko Madoka didn't take the lead at all, he just said proudly to Qilang, "I don't want to go to see any big drama, I want to play slingshot with Lili at home."

Qilang made a grimace at him, took a scallion pancake and ran out.

The aunt sighed, "You are a young man after all, what's so good about this big show?"

Jiuli was clearing the table for dinner, when she heard what her aunt said, she walked over a few steps, approached her, and said, "If my aunt wants to see, can Jiuli take you there?"

"I'm not going!" Auntie waved her hands again and again, signaling that she would not go.

Jiuli saw that she likes to be lively, and prefers to squeeze into crowded places, so she said, "Auntie, when Qilang comes back, how about asking him to give us a good talk?"

The aunt nodded happily and said, "This idea is not bad."

The whole family finished their meal happily, and Jiu Li specially left a salted duck egg and vegetable pancakes for Qilang.When it was time to light the lamp, Shichiro came back.

The aunt was already leaning on the head of the bed, Jiu Li specially lit an oil lamp, and Xiao Yuanzi fell asleep while eating because he had been tossing around in Xianxia Town during the day.

Jiuli carried him to Sankui's bed, put him on the inside of the bed, covered him with the quilt, and came back after everything was done neatly.

It's a little cold in the mountain village at night, and it's almost early winter.

Jiuli put a brazier in her aunt's house, on which was boiled medicine, which belonged to Sankui.Because Sankui didn't take medicine, she has been sitting here quietly, sometimes looking at the fire in the brazier; sometimes going to see her aunt; sometimes going to see Jiuli who is busy inside and out.

He sat there very quietly, when Jiuli was around, he did nothing, just enjoyed the time so quietly.

My aunt also kept her eyes open, unless she was in poor health, she would be forced to sleep after drinking the medicine.Otherwise, she wouldn't close her eyes. After dinner every night, for a while, Jiuli was busy in her room.She would also sit quietly on the head of the bed, keeping her eyes open and looking around the room.

It wasn't until Jiuli left the room for a long time that she closed her eyes.

Jiuli is usually very busy, either gathering herbs in the mountains or selling medicines in the town, the time she spends with her is at night.

They all enjoyed the time after dinner, sitting in the aunt's room, sitting around the brazier, not saying anything, just sitting there for a while.

For my aunt, this moved her more than all the big dramas she had seen.She cherishes this time very much.

The same is true for Sankui, whenever Jiuli goes to bed, he will leave, and he will also sit by the brazier, doing nothing, just being with her like that.

When Qilang opened the door and came in, Jiuli was sitting by the brazier doing needlework, and it was Xiaoyuanzi's clothes that were torn.She is sewing carefully with a needle.

(End of this chapter)

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