Chapter 326

The warm firelight in the brazier reflected on her face, vaguely, it looked so dreamy and charming.For several moments, Sankui just stared at her without saying a word.

Her needlework wasn't very good, not just bad, but bad.The ground is very big, not neat, and it is done quickly. When she mends the clothes, she mends the clothes completely, which has nothing to do with the word "beautiful".

She patched up several parts of Sankui's obscene clothes, the patch was so uncoordinated, but Sankui just liked it, as if it was the most beautiful flower in the world stuck to her body.

"Sister, brother-in-law, aunt, are you still asleep?" Qilang walked in and greeted them one by one.

Jiuli put down the clothes in his hands, turned around and took the vegetable pancakes and salted duck eggs beside the brazier, put them on the table next to him, and said, "Qilang, this is dinner for you, let's eat."

Qilang nodded embarrassingly, and while bringing over the vegetable pancakes, he said, "Sister, didn't you ask you to save rice for me?"

After finishing speaking, he took a bite of the pancake, pushed the salted duck egg away, and ate it with big mouthfuls.Jiuli looked up at him, looking at the faint tears on his face, and couldn't help saying, "What? Did you fight with someone? Why are you still crying?"

Qilang hurriedly touched his eyes with his sleeve, smiled again, and said, "How could it be possible to fight." After speaking, he took another big bite of the cake.

Jiuli just looked at him eating and laughing, and occasionally added, "Eat slowly. If it's not enough, there are radishes in the backyard."

"Green vegetables are also delicious with some seasoning." San Kui added with a smile.

Qilang swallowed the last mouthful of food, looked around the people in the room, and said, "Do you know? Today's big drama is the story of 'Yizhimei'. Not only the people in our village, but the people in the eight villages It’s so wonderful to watch it all around. It’s a pity that you don’t go.”

"Oh?" My aunt was leaning on the head of the bed, but at this moment she sat up suddenly, poked her head and stared at Qiro and said, "Tell me, how about 'Yizhimei'?"

It's just that when she finished speaking, she couldn't help but cast her eyes on Sankui.Sankui pretended not to see it, and did not meet her aunt's eyes at all.Instead, he looked at Qilang and echoed his aunt's voice just now, "Tell us, what kind of 'Yizhimei' is it?"

Qilang sighed for a long time, shook his head helplessly and said, "The person I admire most is 'Yizhimei', do you know that he is said to be a prince, and he has been living in the palace anyway, and his martial arts are extremely high. He often kills the people Every time a villain is killed, a plum blossom will be left behind. After a long time, everyone respectfully calls him "Yizhimei", but this "Yizhimei" was assassinated by someone, and the tendons in his limbs were cut off , became a useless person, and was thrown into the wilderness."

When Qilang talked about the emotional part, he started to cry. No one comforted her.

The aunt had to sigh and said, "Don't cry. Maybe he is living well in some unknown corner?"

Qilang shook his head vigorously and said, "It's a pity, how could it be possible to be assassinated by someone? Let's abolish martial arts first."

Just crying like this, almost crying.

My aunt finally roared, "He's still alive, but he's not 'Yizhimei' anymore, so don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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