Chapter 327 Dreaming of My Ending
Qilang suddenly touched the tears on his face, and he said with joy on his face, "Auntie, is he really not dead?"

The aunt sighed helplessly and said, "No, she's still alive."

Qilang's face was full of joy, staring at his aunt who was sitting there and talking seriously, he was silent for a long time, as if he suddenly figured it out, then shook his head and said, "My aunt is a liar, the tendons of her hands and hamstrings have been broken , and was thrown into a mass grave, how could he be alive?"

The aunt smiled at him, stared at him, and said, "You are such a big man, the storyteller is lying, you take it seriously. In which country can the prince in the palace come out to be a gangster? If it is the prince, who would dare to judge him?" Muscles?"

Qilang thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, so he nodded and said, "So it's fake? But, everyone likes 'Yizhimei' too much. As long as you mention 'Yizhimei', you have a nose and an eye."

When I first entered the house, although there were tears on my face, it was full of vigor and vitality. At this time, I heard that "Yizhimei" was made up by a storyteller. Spirited up.

With a long sigh, he stood up and said, "Let's chat for a while, I'm going back to bed."

After Shichiro finished speaking, he really turned around.It's just that when he opened the door to go out, he suddenly turned his head to look at Sankui, and said, "Did someone break brother-in-law's tendons in the hands and hamstrings?"

Then all the people in the room, that is, Jiuli and Auntie shot Sankui's eyes with a 'shua'.

Sankui was embarrassed at that moment, but fortunately he reacted quickly and said, "Although brother-in-law is, but brother-in-law was picked on by the robbers."

Qilang didn't follow his words, just stared at Sankui's hands and feet, and said, "If brother-in-law can be cured, I believe 'Yizhimei' can also be cured. I hope some kind-hearted people will take him in. !"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at his aunt again, and said, "Auntie, the story of 'Yizhimei' is not made up, it really exists." After speaking, he ran out choked with sobs.

The aunt just smiled slightly and shook her head helplessly.

After going back that night, Jiuli had a dream again, but this time it was not someone else, but herself.

She turned out to be the daughter of the Hou Mansion, and the Hou Ye Huo Jiang was her biological father, and Mrs. Hou was her biological mother.She was recognized in the Hou Mansion.

Every time he lives with Huo Shiyu, Huo Shiyu oppresses her everywhere, compares with her everywhere, and secretly punishes her every moment, making her life messy and miserable every day.

Later, living in such an environment, her spirit was tense for a while, and gradually became depressed.It's been a long time, and she seems to have some kind of hallucination.

Finally, on a rainy night, I died in depression.

She died less than half a year after meeting her relative, at the hands of Huo Shiyu.

She sat up from the bed suddenly, panting heavily, and looked out the window in horror.Outside the window, the moonlight is like water, and the stars are twinkling.It was late at night, and the sky had not yet dawned.

How did she have such a strange dream?

Her dreams have always been true. If the Lord Hou who came over yesterday evening was really her father, she would have entered the Hou's mansion and died in Huo Shiyu's hands.

Thinking of leaving this world in such a way, Jiuli couldn't help but feel a little chilled.

If the dream is true, even if she actually entered the Hou's mansion, she would not die in depression, like killing Huo Shiyu, it would be effortless for her.

Although her dream is real, there is nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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