This is an exquisite small courtyard, the courtyard is not very big, there are flowers and hot springs everywhere.Dean Xiao Jiang is very good at choosing where to live for his parents.

The small wooden courtyard door and the small courtyard also complement each other. It is very small and exquisite. The bamboos are planted on both sides, which are lush and almost cover most of the door. It is very elegant.

Jiuli raised his hand and tapped a few times.

After a few times, a voice came from inside saying, "Here we come."

Jiuli could recognize that accent, which was unique to Dean Xiao Jiang's father. She once rescued him when he went up the mountain, talked to him, got to know him, and recognized his voice.

The small wooden door opened with a 'squeak'.

That old Mr. Jiang stood at the door, looked at Jiuli who was standing at the door in surprise, looked at her after a while, and then laughed loudly, "Girl, is it you?"

"It's me." Jiuli nodded, and walked in gently.

Mr. Old Jiang limped behind, and after a few steps, Jiuli turned his head, looked at his legs and his radiant appearance, and said, "It shouldn't be? It's been so long, isn't your leg still okay?"

"No." Old Mr. Jiang shook his head while saying, "After being saved by you, thanks to your several soups and medicines, I came back and drank it, and gradually got better."

"Then..." Jiuli looked at his limping leg with doubts on his face.

"Hey..." Mr. Jiang was in a good state of mind, and he still smiled at this moment, "So I went down the mountain again. I fell, and there was something wrong with the fracture."

Jiu Li looked at him puzzled, and couldn't help asking, "Why do you always run down the mountain? Can't you take a carriage?"

Jiu Li had already looked around at the small courtyard around him. Those who can live here are not ordinary people, not mountain people who can't even afford a carriage.Why do you keep walking down the mountain like this?Both legs were hurt twice.

"I'm actually not going down the mountain, I'm just going to gather herbs. Last time I drank the soups and medicines you left me, and they really worked. I was thinking about going to the mountains to collect some. It’s not a hunter who saw me in time, I’m afraid there will be another problem.” After he finished speaking, he still grinned.

He was very happy to see Jiuli.

At this time, an old lady came out of the house. The old lady was round and fat, but she was also hale and radiant. It could be seen that she was in a good state of mind.

"Hello, old lady." Jiu Li hurriedly saluted and greeted her.

The old lady came over, stroked Jiuli's wrist, stared at Jiuli's face, looked up in doubt, and said, "How did you come here? Over the wall?"

Jiu Li was very puzzled, and said to himself, "Isn't this Mrs. Jiang demented? Why did she ask such a question? She obviously walked through the main door, and Mr. Jiang opened the door. Why do you say she jumped over the wall?" ?”

Mr. Jiang motioned for Jiuli to sit down.

There are round tables and chairs made of bamboo in the yard, which are specially used for the old couple to drink tea and rest.

"My wife's eyesight is not very good, and her memory is not very good. Girl, you must take care of yourself." Mr. Jiang explained, and sat down.

Jiu Li took the old lady's hand and sat on the bamboo chair.

Mr. Jiang's leg had obviously been injured for a long time, and now it was swollen, and he was limping badly.When sitting on a chair, I dare not curl my legs.

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