Chapter 349
After the three sat down, the old lady seemed to remember something, stood up, turned and entered the room.

Old Mr. Jiang said, "Boil some hot water and let the girl drink some of our bamboo tea." After finishing speaking, he started to arrange the tea set in front of him and said, "The tea I drank in your small stone room last time was very strange. ah?"

"Oh?" Jiu Li listened with interest.

"It smells delicious, and it tastes a little fishy. But it's very comfortable to drink. Why? What kind of tea is this with herbs?" When Mr. Jiang was talking, he accidentally touched the tea. When it reaches the legs, the face can't help but twitch.

Jiuli saw it, and when he put the tea in his hands, she bent down, lifted one of his legs, and suddenly exerted force, only to hear a 'pop'.

Mr. Jiang came to his senses, and then yelled, "Ah! Are you going to kill someone?"

The old lady came out with a basket in a panic.Jiu Li was lifting one of his legs, and then slowly put it down, saying, "Sir, it was just a broken bone and a dislocation, and it was inflamed. Not only should we take herbs, but we should also add something else."

While talking, Jiuli opened her small medicine box, took out a bottle of small pills, and said, "Mr., the fracture has been left untreated for too long, and the knee is inflamed. Now it needs anti-inflammation." , combined with Chinese herbal medicine, eat for a period of time. Then fumigate again when nothing happens, and the legs can recover."

Jiuli put the anti-inflammatory medicine and a lot of moxa sticks for moxibustion on the table.

Although Mr. Jiang's leg hurts a little, it's not the same pain as before. This kind of pain is very comfortable.He stared at Jiuli with a smile, and said, "Miss Ruan's medical skills are really superb. I have seen many quack doctors, and there are other 'miracle doctors', but compared to Miss Ruan, they are all for fame."

Jiuli just smiled and didn't say anything.

In this era, it is not bad to have their medical skills. Her medical skills are excellent because she does not belong to this era.

The old lady couldn't hear very clearly, but her eyes were very useful. She seemed to understand what was going on, and placed the basket in front of Jiuli. There were some plump and rosy peaches in it. Her slow tone said, He said, "Mrs. Hou, you can eat."

Jiu Li was taken aback, did she recognize the wrong person?

How could she be Madam Hou?How beautiful and dignified is Mrs. Hou?How can she compare with her?Maybe the old lady is old and her eyes are blurred.It might be a woman, she would call it that, so she didn't mind.

These peaches are very delicate, of good color, very clean, and some are yellow and clear, and they look like fruits that grow in the mountains.It’s just that it’s not available on the mountainside, it can only be seen on the top of the mountain, and ordinary people can’t eat it.

Jiu Li took one and took a quick bite, she couldn't help admiring and said, "It's really delicious!"

Old Mr. Jiang held back the pain and said, "Of course, these are tribute fruits, and only people in the palace can eat them. I picked them secretly from a tree."

Mr. Jiang said, pointing to the southwest corner of the yard.Next to a small yard, there is a big peach tree planted in the small yard. The branches of the peach tree are over the top of the wall and completely tilted. Almost half of them are in Mr. Jiang's yard.

There are many fruits on the tree, and they are fruitful.

(End of this chapter)

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