Jiang Hai and Huo Jiang rode horses, one in front and one behind, running towards the mountain.

It was already evening at this time, and the sunset glow on the side of the mountain dyed half of the mountain red. The mountain in early winter was still lush and green, reflected in the fiery red glow, as if it was coated with a layer of gold.

The two of them walked in such a pleasant mountain, and their mood gradually improved.After all, they were both men, and after a while, the two of them got on good terms and started talking again.

The unhappiness just now seems to have disappeared.

There is a small stone house not far ahead, and there is an open space.Since the two went down to the top of the mountain, they walked around the village in the middle, and they didn't drink a sip of water, let alone eat anything.

Jiang Hai felt that it was time for Lord Hou to take a rest, so he stopped his horse, stopped, pointed to the small stone house in front of Lord Hou, and said, "Master, let's sit in that shed for a while, shall we have a rest?"

Lord Hou just got angry just now, and he forgot about it.Only then did I realize that I was indeed a little thirsty, and my stomach was growling.

He nodded and followed Jiang Hai towards the stone house.

In front of the stone house is a large shed, which can be used for shade and rain, and there are several stone benches and a stone table.Next to it is the stove for making tea, which needs to be constantly added with firewood.

There are tea, wild fruits and the like next to it.

If it is summer, the fire here will basically not be cut off, because there are always people passing by.It was early winter at this time, and as it was getting late, fewer people came here, and the fire in the stove had already been extinguished.

It's still warm to the touch.It is said that if ordinary mountain people pass by here, they will light it up and make some tea soon.But Jiang Hai can't, and Huo Jiang can't.

Although they have been marching and fighting all year round, the people below do such things, but they have never done it.

Jiang Hai took out his water bottle and handed it to Huo Jiang. Huo Jiang took a few sips, then he took out some dry food from his backpack, and the two sat here to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, he stood up.Before leaving, Jiang Hai deliberately went to look at the stone house, inside was a bed with some thatch, as if someone was resting here occasionally.

It's just that there are a lot of baskets and straw boxes on both sides of the bed.

When Huo Jiang saw the basket, he suddenly thought of the small basket behind Jiuli.The pannier behind Jiuli is different from the panniers carried by others.Although they were all made of bamboo in the mountains, the basket behind Jiuli was bigger than others.

The big back basket made her small body look even thinner.

Jiang Hai was very impressed with the small basket behind Jiuli, and he could see it at a glance.The eyes of martial arts practitioners are like rulers, and they can feel the size of the basket at a glance.

Jiang Hai turned around meaningfully, looked at Huo Jiangdao behind him, "Master, do you know who built this stone house?"

Huo Jiang didn't mind at all. He had traveled many roads, crossed many mountains, and seen many stone houses, so he didn't think much about it.Basically, it was built by the nearby mountain people for convenience.

What's so strange?
"The nearby mountain people." Huo Jiang stood up and answered casually.

Jiang Hai smiled and said, "This is built by the eldest lady. Look at the style of this building is very similar to the rows of houses in her courtyard."

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