Jiang Hai became interested in an instant, he walked over a few steps, touched those stone walls, and looked at Jiang Hai suspiciously.

Jiang Hai smiled, touched the gaps in the stone walls with one hand, and touched the stones with the other hand and said, "Master, Missy is very careful when picking stones, they are basically the same size, and the smoothness is also polished. However, the most important thing is that there seems to be something added to the soil in the gaps, which is different from other places.”

Jiang Hai stretched out his hand to touch it, nodded slightly and said, "Really! It seems stronger this way."

Jiang Hai laughed when he heard this, turned his head to look at Huo Jiang, and said again, "With the wisdom of the eldest lady, do you still think that you are not worthy of that Lord Hua?"

Jiang Hai stared at him vigorously, then said, "No matter how wise she is, outsiders will still see her face at first glance. Without her face as a stepping stone, who will appreciate her wisdom?"

Jiang Hai just snorted coldly, he looked up at the cliff not far away, he was thinking that he could kick the master into it, right?What if he was anxious and wanted to do this?

"Didn't the young one discover the wisdom of the eldest lady based on her appearance?" Jiang Hai responded.

This time it was Huo Jiang who suddenly punched him. Jiang Hai was not Xiaoqi. When shopkeeper Liu kicked him, he pouted his ass and waited for him to kick him.

Jiang Hai dodged and dodged, then quickly changed the subject and said, "Master, it's getting late, we should go home."

This time it was Huo Jiang who didn't want to leave. When he left the small stone room, he turned his head and took a hard look at the stone room.

Jiang Haicai didn't give him a chance, urged him to get on his horse, pulled his horse and ran forward.

After a certain distance, Huo Jiang looked back at the stone house from time to time.

In this way, the two walked a distance again.Just when Huo Jiang looked back again, a carriage came in front of him. Although the carriage was running fast, it ran very steadily.

Jiang Hai was the first to think of Jiuli and shopkeeper Liu who were still on the top of the mountain.They are also going down the mountain, could it be them?
He smiled, got off the horse early, and stood there waiting for the carriage.

Huo Jiang didn't know what was going on, so he got off his horse and stood beside Jiang Hai, watching the carriage coming.

The carriage that came was Xiaoqi's, and shopkeeper Liu and Jiuli were sitting in it.

Shopkeeper Liu was already sleepy at this time because he walked up and down nervously in the Hou's mansion all day, and fell asleep leaning against the window.Because Jiuli had something on her mind, and the scar on her back was stinging, how could she sleep?

Madoka, Shichiro, Auntie and Sankui are all at home, how did they have dinner?
These are what she thinks.

At this moment, Xiao Qi suddenly said, "Master, there are two riders ahead, they stopped, as if they were waiting for us by the side of the road?"

Shopkeeper Liu woke up immediately, and he and Jiu Li stuck their heads out of the window at the same time.

The carriage just passed by Jiang Hai and Huo Jiang.Jiuli smiled the moment he saw Jiang Hai, his smile was as bright as the sunset glow in the mountains.

She beckoned to Jiang Hai and said, "Guard Jiang, okay?"

The moment Jiang Hai saw her, he was extremely happy, and saluted deeply, and then said hello, "How is Miss Jiuli?"

Both Xiao Qi and Shopkeeper Liu greeted Jiang Hai, whether it was nervousness or something else, everyone ignored Huo Jiang behind him.

Huo Jiang pulled his face and suddenly became unhappy.

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