Jiuli and the others' carriage had gone far away, but Huo Jiang was still standing there watching.

Jiang Hai had no choice but to pull him and said, "Master, it's getting late, we should go back."

Only then did Huo Jiang reluctantly follow Jiang Hai towards the top of the mountain. On the way, Jiang Hai suddenly came and said, "Master, don't you dislike Miss?"

Huo Jiang glared at him and said angrily, "Do I like her now?"

The corner of Huo Jiang's lips hooked slightly, and he gave Huo Jiang a meaningful look, and said nothing else.

After Jiu Li went back, it was already very late.Xiao Qi went into the house to put down a bag of silver, Jiu Li asked them to finish their meal before leaving, but he refused.On the grounds that shopkeeper Liu was still waiting in the carriage, he left quickly.

The dinner at home has already been prepared, and Qu Feng's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law helped here, and by the way, they also ate dinner here.

It is very lively for a big family to sit around together.

Especially Xiaoyuanzi, who kept talking non-stop, the most important thing for him was to stay beside Jiuli, close to Jiuli, and he hadn't seen her for a day, as if he hadn't seen her for a long time.

Mrs. Qu respectfully served Jiu Li a meal and took the bowls and chopsticks.On the other side of her was sitting there very upright, next to Jiuli.

Sankui was next to Yuanzi, and Qilang and Qu Feng were next to her aunt.

Auntie and Jiuli were sitting facing each other.

The moment Jiuli entered the door, everyone saw Jiuli's face, her face was sallow and tired.

It was the first time they had seen Jiu Li like this.

She was carrying a big pannier on her back, which was very heavy, and it was full of tribute peaches.Although these tribute peaches were everyone's favorite, no one ate them right away, but secretly looked at Jiu Li's face, but no one said anything.

The aunt finally raised her head, looked at Jiuli's face, and said, "Lili, what's wrong with you? You seem unwell?"

Jiu Li just shook his head, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Everyone followed suit.

Mrs. Qu kept adding vegetables to Jiuli, even if his hands and feet were a little slow, she insisted on doing so.The aunt sitting across from her was very curious.

Ordinarily, the two of them are the oldest here. As an elder, how can she serve Jiuli with food?It can be seen that she respects Jiuli, and it is the kind of love from the bottom of her heart.

Not only my aunt, even Sankui seems to have discovered something.While eating the cake, he observed Mrs. Qu through the gap between his hair.

Sankui never liked to talk too much.He didn't say a word throughout the meal.

But Qu Feng, she was already several months pregnant.She has always been outspoken, and any unhappiness and dissatisfaction are shown on her face.

She looked at Mrs. Qu with puzzled eyes, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said with a smile, "In my previous life, my mother-in-law must have been Jiuli's maid, look at your respectful posture, serve tea Handing water, how similar? My mother-in-law has never treated us with such an attitude for the children in our family."

When Mrs. Qu heard these words, her body couldn't help shaking, and the bowl of porridge almost fell to the ground.

All eyes were on Mrs. Qu, but she remained silent.

But no one said a word, Sankui did not speak, and my aunt did not speak.Shichiro couldn't understand anything, and Madoka just held Jiuli's arm and acted like a baby.

Only Qu Feng, since she was pregnant, she occasionally joked to her mother-in-law.At this time, she poked her head and said in a very gentle voice, "Mother-in-law, am I right?"

Mrs. Qu's face became ugly again.

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