Chapter 377 Misunderstood
After a period of time, the academy conducted another exam.

Ruan Dalang is still No.2, and Sankui is still the last one, very stable.Qilang did the test papers purely by relying on ignorance, and even got a little bit right, giving some points, and tied for the bottom one with Sankui.

This is Ruan Qilang who is in Class A Senior Class, not to mention avoiding Sankui and Qilang, even passing by that class, he feels ashamed.

When he wandered around the yard, he tried to avoid that class as much as possible, and he didn't mention these two people in the academy.

If he doesn't mention it, others will not think that they are actually a family.

His grades were No.2 both times, and his grades were supposed to be very stable. During this period, he submitted another article to Dean Jiang.This direct disciple should belong to him, Ruan Dalang, no matter what?

He had been expecting Dean Jiang to summon him again.

Sure enough, after a while, someone asked him to visit Dean Jiang's yard, saying that Dean Jiang had something to do with him.

At that time, he was elated with joy, but he didn't dare to show it.He was happy for a long time, what if it wasn't him?Where will he put Ruan Dalang's face in the school?

I can only have fun secretly on the small road leading to Xiao Jiang's courtyard.From time to time, I am also happy to say a few words to myself.

As a result, students from other classes who were walking towards him bumped into him, thinking that he was obsessed with reading, and planned to learn from him.

When Ruan Dalang entered Dean Xiao Jiang's yard, Dean Jiang was already sitting in the room.His face was calm and nothing could be seen.

Ruan Dalang walked in with his head slightly lowered.

Dean Xiao Jiang looked at him and motioned him to sit down, but he refused.If the master sits, how can there be any reason for the disciple to sit?

Looking at Ruan Dalang's soothing, calm, but also happy face, he felt that he had to be straight to the point and tell the truth, and that he could not give him hope anymore, which would hurt him.At that time, he may not know what to do.

So he cleared his voice and said, "Ruan Dalang, the matter of passing on the disciples has been decided. My master will announce this in the academy."

Ruan Dalang's eyebrows raised slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up. He was very excited. I'm afraid Dean Xiao Jiang will say his name next time, right?

He stared at Dean Xiao Jiang expectantly, and Dean Jiang's heart was pulled cold, he felt as if something had stung him.He didn't dare to look at Ruan Dalang anymore, and lowered his eyes slightly, Xiao Jiang was always a kind person.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that if Mr. Weng Ji could accept two personal disciples, he would definitely recommend Ruan Dalang for that one.But helpless, he told Mr. Weng Ji about this matter, and he refused without thinking about it.

His words at the time were like this, "At this age, I don't have to accept a direct disciple, because it is him, I must accept it. It is because of him that the old man decided to accept a direct disciple."

His words were very clear, it was because he met Sankui that he planned to accept a personal disciple, otherwise he would never accept another disciple in his life.This personal disciple was tailor-made for Sankui.

Does anyone else not get it yet?
He is willing to accept another direct disciple for the sake of Sankui, but others cannot.

Dean Xiao Jiang didn't know how to say it at this time, let alone whose name to say.After all, it was just old Mr. Weng Ji's wishful thinking, and he was just putting pressure on Luo Sankui.

Therefore, he is not easy to speak, in fact, he does not know how to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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