Chapter 378 The dog bites Lu Dongbin

Ruan Dalang stood here, and Dean Xiao Jiang didn't speak for a long time, was it just to tell him that the matter of directing his disciples had been decided?not him?

"Is it Ma Wenteng?" After standing for a long time, Ruan Dalang finally spoke.Ma Wenteng has always been No.1. If it wasn't for him, it would have been Ma Wenteng. He lost to No.1. In fact, he was convinced to lose.

Dean Xiao Jiang shook his head vigorously and said, "It's not him!"

Ruan Dalang doesn't understand, it's not No.1, and it's not him, so who is it?He stared at Dean Jiang with some doubts.

Dean Xiao Jiang cleared his throat again, and said, "Mr. Weng Ji decided this himself, and our academy can't interfere too much."

When Dean Xiao Jiang said these words, he finally saved him enough face, but they have no right to interfere in this matter.Even if they want to recommend who is impossible.Old Mr. Weng Ji has already made an appointment.

Ruan Dalang didn't know how he got out of Dean Xiao Jiang's yard, but he felt that his legs were light, as if he could fall down at any time.

Dean Xiao Jiang sent him far away, and when he stepped on the secret path leading to the school, he was still standing behind him and watching.In fact, Ruan Dalang didn't look back.

After studying hard for so long and working so hard, his family members have high expectations for him. He was never asked to do farm work, even if Bamei was asked to do things, and all the delicious food was left to him.

How did he repay the Ruan family?

When he was approaching a small pavilion, seeing no one in front of him, he stumbled into it, then leaned against the pillar and cried loudly.

The anticipation of so many days finally came to fruition, he was in pain here loudly, and suddenly he felt less uncomfortable.

It was at this time that Sankui came. He was reading in a secluded place, so he chose this corner on purpose.Hide behind an ancient tree and hear mournful cries.

He was curious.

Is there such a miserable person in this academy?
Why are you crying here?
He walked over slowly, stepped up the steps, and stood in the pavilion.Since the students here are all wearing uniform clothes, Da Lang's head is tucked into his shoulders.He didn't see who it was either.

Da Lang is crying here, it is a very sensitive matter, and he is afraid that others will see it.Although she was crying, she was still extremely sensitive to outside sounds.

Hearing footsteps approaching, he stopped again.Da Lang raised his head in embarrassment, his face was full of tears, and he saw San Kui standing there in a handsome suit.

He was a little dazed, the morning sun was shining on his body, not very strong, but very warm.Everything about him shines in the halo, as if stepping on the light.

He had never seen Sankui so closely before, he was so handsome, as if he was not from this world.What a pity, he is a cripple. If it weren't for the cripple, how good would it be for Wu Niang to marry him?

But he thought again, he was the last one in the exam every time, and their Ruan family couldn't afford to lose this person.

His consciousness recovered in an instant, and he just stared at Sankui and said, "What are you doing here?"

Sankui just stared at him, and said in a very gentle voice, "If you are very concerned about the matter of directing your disciples, I can tell Mr. Weng Ji and let him accept you!"

When Ruan Dalang heard this sentence, he would never think that Sankui said it out of good intentions, let alone that he wanted to help him sincerely.He thought he was taunting him!

(End of this chapter)

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