Chapter 379 Handpicked Disciples
Ruan Dalang with strong self-esteem stood up suddenly, looked him up and down, was full of contempt, and almost shouted at him, "Can you first recognize who you are? Can you know who you are?" Styling? Like a tumbler, the last one in every exam, can you help me? Why don't you help yourself?"

After finishing this sentence, he felt that he said it a little more seriously. After all, Ruan Dalang is a scholar, not a shrew in a mountain village. He stared at Sankui closely.He thought he was going to fall over, or blush with shame.

But he was wrong, Sankui still had a smile on his face, as natural and magnanimous as the morning spring breeze in the forest, what he just said didn't hurt him at all.

Ruan Dalang was a little startled, and said to himself, "Could it be that his psychological quality is so strong?"

He was still angry, and he still had nothing to say in front of Sankui, so he swung his body suddenly, then got down from the pavilion, and soon disappeared behind the woods.

While walking on the road, he was still thinking about what happened just now, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.Ruan Dalang has been excellent in reading since he was a child.

Everyone in the mountain village looked at him differently, when did he use Sankui to pity him?He also boldly said that he would help him.If it is about helping them, only Ruan Dalang can help them, and without him helping him, when did he get so thick-skinned?I don't even blush when I say that.

He wasn't in a very calm mood, even after walking around, he didn't immediately go back to the school, but was still wandering around in the secluded yard.

This Xianxia Town is vast and rich in resources, Yuelu Academy covers a large area, there are several small forests and natural rockeries, and Dalang went to such a place for a stroll.

Today, he was studying arithmetic at noon, and he would not be included in the imperial examination anyway. He was in a bad mood, so he simply didn't go.Just hang out in the yard.

I don't know how long I wandered around, and I slept on the mountain for a while during my lunch break.I didn't eat lunch either, and I had no appetite, so I was still wandering outside.

Around noon, he came back.Came straight to school.

Da Lang has never been absent from class, and this time he didn't come for such a long time by chance, those classmates were quite surprised.

After he sat down in the school, it was probably almost time for school to end.The master had already left, and the people in the school were boiling.

This is a student in the Class A senior class, so he is naturally more sensitive to topics such as grades and personal disciples.

I only heard a classmate say, "I really didn't expect that Taifu Weng chose his disciples from the lowest class in the B class. If I knew that he was at this level, I would not take the exam last time. I was originally a scholar. It was a waste of time to take that test."

When Ruan Dalang heard this, he suddenly turned his head, looked at the people behind him who were talking, and said, "Are the disciples handed down by Weng Taifu selected from the lowest class of the second class?"

"Hey," the student said with a long sigh, "Not only that, but the selected student is also the one with the worst grades in the entire Yuelu Academy."

"Ruan Qilang?" Ruan Dalang knew that he should say Sankui, but he still said Ruan Qilang's name, and he was a little flustered at this moment.Thinking of his confident, indifferent, open gaze and expression in the pavilion, as if appearing in front of him as a winner, he felt uncomfortable.

"Luo Sankui!" A classmate yelled, "That little cripple was chosen by Weng Taifu!"

"The key point is he still refuses? We people squeezed our heads and drilled in. He didn't take it seriously at all. Don't you think it's annoying?"

Ruan Dalang instantly felt his head was about to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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