Seeing Lord Hou come over, even though he was hung on a tree branch, Jiu Li couldn't hurt him, could he?
If you really want to hurt him, Lord Hou may have to work harder.

Huo Shiyu went down to comfort Lord Hou with tears in his eyes.And helped Master Hou to sit in his carriage and rest for a while.Everyone else sat in their seats without moving, only Shiyu was busy back and forth.

The Hou Ye's heart was warm and warm, and he couldn't help sighing a long time, "It's my daughter Shiyu who loves me."

His voice was very loud, as if he deliberately said it for Mrs. Hou to hear.

Mrs. Hou quickly turned her face away, pretending not to hear, and Madam Chun also turned her face away, suppressing her smile, and Mrs. Hou pretended to look at the frozen pond not far away.There are a few ducks walking around on it, and their twisting movements are very funny.

Nanny Chun and Mrs. Hou kept their eyes on the two waddling ducks.

Later, even Huo Qian's eyes were attracted to him. He saw the two plump ducks in the pond fighting each other, and reconciled after a while, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Look, those two ducks are so cute!" Interesting."

Huo Qian's words attracted the attention of everyone here, not only the guards around him, but even the people in the mountain village were also successfully attracted.

Only Hou Ye and Huo Shiyu seemed to be holding on.

While crying, Huo Shiyu was comforting Lord Hou, beating his back and kneading his shoulders non-stop.No one paid attention to them, Hou Ye was extremely irritable.

But seeing Huo Shiyu's docile and well-behaved look, he immediately changed his expression and said, "Shi'er, that wild girl didn't bully you, did she?"

Speaking of this, Huo Shiyu looked at Lord Hou with tears in his eyes, and then began to cry bitterly, "Father, the note brought by the concubine Ming is in my sister's hand, and she refuses to take it out no matter what."

When Huo Qian heard this, his face turned green.

This girl is really turned upside down, beating her father and bullying her sister, what is she going to do?
He immediately turned around and said angrily to Jiang Hai who was behind him, "Go and catch that girl. I don't believe I can't fix her anymore."

Jiang Hai stood there hesitant, staring at Huo Shiyu with an expression of extreme disgust. He hated Huo Shiyu for not a day or two.He had been with Lord Hou all along about what happened just now, and he could see clearly.It's obvious that she has been picking things up.

The eldest lady didn't want to talk to her at all, she was just angry all the time.

At that moment, Jiang Hai actually admired this young lady a little.She is the only one in the entire Hou Mansion who dares to face Huo Shiyu like this, and who dares not show mercy to her face to face.

Huo Shiyu glanced at Jiang Hai quickly, it seemed that she saw every little movement in Jiang Hai's eyes.He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Daddy, that question is a bit difficult. My daughter has been working on it for a long time but she still can't solve it. I think my sister can solve it after taking it away."

Hearing this, Huo Jiang turned his head to look at Jiang Hai again, and said, "Go and get the note from that girl's hand, and let her make it."

Jiang Hai turned around and left, at least it was plausible, if it was done or not, it was right to invite someone over, you can't beat him at every turn, right?
If it was a real fight, Master Hou might not necessarily be the Missy's opponent.

Every time Jiu Li dealt with Lord Hou, he would do it with one move, obviously he didn't want to hurt him, if he really wanted to hurt him, Lord Hou really might not be the opponent.

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