Jiuli took Xiaoyuanzi's hand and walked on the winding path, the branches on both sides were bare by the rain and snow of the previous few days.

Jiuli was in a good mood, and her mood was not affected by the unhappiness with Huo Shiyu.She just kicked Lord Hou, and she was in a surprisingly good mood.

She knew that the kick just looked heavy, but in fact she used a skill to fly him to the branch, but it couldn't hurt anywhere.On the deserted path, she couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoyuanzi looked at her in a daze, raised his head and said, "Lili, what's wrong with you? The one who got kicked should be Master Hou?"

Jiuli smiled and shook Xiao Yuanzi's hand, and said in a very doting way, "Xiao Yuanzi, tell me quickly, what did you take from Huo Shiyu, and made her whole graveyard circle around you?"

Xiaoyuanzi paused for a moment, stared at Jiuli, blinked, and said, "I don't know? I didn't take it."

Jiu Li was still shaking her arm, and said with a slight smile, "You don't need to say anything, that Huo Shiyu will definitely not let you go later, and she will definitely come to you later."

"Ah?" Xiaoyuanzi clutched his pocket vigorously, and said in a coquettish tone, "Lili, what do you think should be done?"

"Take it out." Jiuli suppressed a smile, and intentionally made his voice very long.

Xiao Yuanzi groped her body a few times, reluctantly took out a crumbled note from her waist, and handed it to Jiuli, "That's it, I thought it was something precious, but I didn't expect it to be a note."

Jiuli took the crumpled note, opened it casually, and saw a few lines of clear writing on it.

Sanzang went to the west to learn scriptures,
Go one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Daily routine 75,
Ask the public how many days to return.

Jiuli understood at a glance that this is an arithmetic problem. Sanzang of the Tang Dynasty went to Buddhist holy places to learn Buddhist scriptures. He walked 108000 miles, with an average of 75 miles per day. How long does it take for the Tang monk and his party to return.

The simplest solution to this problem is to divide 108000 by 75 to equal 1440 days.

Therefore, it takes 1440 divided by 360 to get to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures, which equals 4 years.

The round trip time is 8 years.

So she asked Xiao Yuanzi, "Do you know how to do this question?"

Xiaoyuanzi shook his head and said, "I don't even know the handwriting on it, how would I know?"

In a very slow tone, Jiuli recounted his own thoughts just now, and finally told him that the answer was 8 years.Xiaoyuanzi is a person who never forgets with a photograph, and now he remembers everything.

The two continued to walk along the winding mountain road, and when they were almost home.He heard the faint sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

Jiuli didn't turn her head immediately, but took Xiao Yuanzi's hand and walked straight forward.Then Jiu Li said in a low voice, "Xiao Yuanzi, do you know that the rider behind is here to catch you."

"Catch me? Why?" Yuanzi asked suspiciously.

Jiuli held him tightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't look back, wait for them to come over."

The two continued to move forward.

Jiang Hai rode his horse and walked over leisurely.

Xiaoyuanzi said in a low voice, "Lili, if you tell me to come over, I'll give them the note."

Jiuli just smiled and didn't reply.

Jiang Hai walked up to them, got off his horse politely, and said politely, "Miss, Lord Hou seems to have just remembered something, please go back."

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Jiuli.

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