Jiu Li had no idea that she had been turned upside down.

Was this introduced to the emperor?But to treat the emperor?Get up close and personal with the emperor.Can't go wrong.Including Jiuli's past and present lives, he checked everything clearly.

Not only Eunuch Huang, but even the emperor wondered at that time?

When Eunuch Huang planned to stay in Renhe Medical Center for a period of time, the emperor noticed his request for leave. Can the person who makes Doctor Zhang decide to stay and study be worse?

Before Eunuch Huang paid attention, the emperor paid attention. The reason why he readily agreed to allow Dr. Zhang to stay among the people was because of the emperor's own ideas.

Those who have been ill for a long time are most sensitive to doctors with profound medical skills.The one who caught the attention of Imperial Doctor Zhang really broke his shoes.

When Eunuch Huang inquired about Jiuli's news, the emperor knew about it, and sent a group of people to investigate Jiuli himself.

The information received by the two groups of people is basically the same.

They originally thought that this little genius doctor was a white-haired old man, full of energy and spirit.Unexpectedly, it was a very inconspicuous little girl, who was said to be very ugly.

He is still a little fool without father and mother, and often goes up the mountain to eat some tributes.Eating tributes is the key point.Suddenly one day he will be cured, he will be able to cure diseases, and his martial arts are very high.

Everyone rumored that she was possessed by the great fox, which is impossible for ordinary people.But she did cure a lot of people.

Including the cooked Xiaolang from Hanjiazhai in Renhe Medical Center, as well as Xiaohouye, and the freezing snow incident a few days ago, even Doctor Zhang thought that the man's arm might be gone, But Jiu Li was cured.

The most important thing is that in the last few days, it has been found that she is the biological daughter of Huo Jiang in Marquis Wu's Mansion, and that the one who was exiled among the people because of a wrong embrace is the niece of Concubine Ming.

Even in the recent period, every time the emperor went out for a walk during the day, he went to sit in the palace of the concubine Ming every now and then.Even though it's in broad daylight, it's enough to make many concubines jealous?
Although he didn't do anything, but he went on such a trip in broad daylight, can people still think about it?Concubine Ming would not say what the emperor was doing in her palace.

Moreover, he seemed to agree to whatever Concubine Ming said in front of the emperor during this period of time, for example, at the beginning of spring, her niece Huo Shiyu was about to go to the ceremony, and her twin nephew, Lord Hou, was about to be crowned.

Huo Qian's little marquis has already been enshrined as a little marquis, only this Huo Shiyu has not been titled yet, and after the ceremony, Ming Concubine Empress hopes to give her the title of princess.

The emperor didn't even refuse.

Concubine Ming has a prince who is the Seventh Prince, who is handsome and loves to play, but he is not particularly outstanding in reading.The seventh prince was a few years younger than Huo Shiyu. Huo Shiyu was smart and loved reading. Since he was a child, he was tricked by the concubine Ming to accompany the seventh prince to study in the palace.

Rather than saying that Huo Shiyu grew up in front of Mrs. Hou, it is better to say that he grew up with the concubine Ming.Huo Shiyu is like his own daughter to the concubine Ming.

Mrs. Hou didn't often go to the capital, so she probably wouldn't understand this, but Lord Hou knew it very well.

There are a lot of interests, and Huo Shiyu can't be driven away directly, unless the concubine Ming no longer likes her.Others dare not, nor have the courage.

The concubine Ming treats Huo Shiyu like a jewel in her palm, and treats her like her own princess.

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