She already loved Huo Shiyu a lot, so what's so strange about being named a princess?

It's nothing more than a little achievement.

This is also the only thing Ming Concubine Empress can do for Huo Shiyu.

When the emperor walked out of the imperial concubine's palace, he would suddenly add, "I heard that the young lady from your brother's house was hugged wrong?"

Concubine Ming hurriedly spoke for Shiyu, "Although this is not her own, she has been raised by her side for so many years, so she treats it as her own, doesn't she?"

The emperor nodded, and he became clear in his heart that the Marquis Wu Mansion had indeed replaced a young lady by mistake.

Huo Jiang originally presented the letter to the emperor, talking about the things in his own family, that is, the two young ladies made a mistake when they gave birth in Xianxia Temple, otherwise, wouldn't it be a crime of deceiving the emperor?

After all, this kind of letter is not a military matter, it is just presented in the form of a family letter, but when the letter arrived at Mingfei Empress's place, she was stopped by Mingfei Empress.

The old Mrs. Hou of the Hou Mansion wrote to her a long time ago, saying that although the little fairy Fan Jingxian whom she hated very much gave birth to a pair of twins, the boy was sick and crooked, and the girl was wrongly hugged. She is a little fool living in the village. .

When the Concubine Ming received the letter, she tore it to pieces without looking down.This elder brother of her natal family is really embarrassing her?
A goblin was found from some cave and gave birth to a pair of children. One was sick and the other was stupid!If this spreads in the harem, how can Huo Yinyin, who is so face-saving, walk in the harem?
How to protect the status of the Seventh Prince in the future?
Regarding Huo Jiang's daughter-in-law, she didn't even want to mention it. Would she be willing to submit such a family letter?Originally, there was a clever, overpowering poem, and a little bit more points for this Fairy Fan, but now it is really a few points.She will never be able to enter this gate of Huojiang.It's best to find a time to rest her.

Otherwise, it would embarrass the whole Huo Jiang.

Therefore, the concubine Ming didn't take out this letter from Huo Jiang to the emperor's family.At this time the emperor asked.If the concubine Ming didn't show it, it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor.

At that time, the entire Hou Mansion will be implicated.She scolded Mrs. Hou, that little goblin, and found the letter from the family, "Your Majesty, my brother came to the family letter a few days ago and reported the matter to the Emperor. It's just that the Emperor has been busy with state affairs recently, and I feel that I don't like it." It’s not a big deal, so I haven’t had time to present it to the emperor.”

After finishing speaking, she respectfully presented the family letter with the wrong hug to the emperor.The emperor held it in his hand, he didn't blame the concubine Ming, he still smiled and said, "It's all a trivial matter."

After a few steps, he suddenly turned his head and pretended to inadvertently ask, "Have you recognized your relative?"

Concubine Ming was in a daze for a moment, but she still nodded and said, "My concubine's sister-in-law went to recognize her, and my brother also saw her."

The emperor said with a faint smile on his face, "It seems that the girl is already married in the village, and has a young husband."

The emperor nodded again, he had known this for a long time, he probably knew more than Concubine Ming, and he also knew that she had adopted several people.

After the emperor left, Concubine Ming looked at the back of the emperor who was slowly disappearing, and said to the maid beside her, "Why is the emperor so interested in my brother's affairs recently? Especially these two people who were replaced by mistake."

The maid beside her hurriedly added, "Maybe the emperor feels sorry for Miss Huo Shiyu not being Huo Jiang's own daughter?"

Concubine Ming nodded, she could only explain in this way.

The emperor can't be interested in that little fool of her brother's family, can he?

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