Chapter 515 Huo Shiyu Gives Long Face
Concubine Ming felt that this Huo Shiyu was giving her face too much, because of her existence, the emperor had come to her several times.

She hurriedly said to Lu Feng, the maid next to her, "Quickly spread the word, let Huo Shiyu enter the palace early."

Concubine Ming knew very well in her heart that if this Huo Shiyu was wandering around her palace often, wouldn't the emperor come more frequently?
Lu Feng hurriedly saluted, and said with some grievances, "Mother, you have already sent three letters, and they were all delivered quickly. It's not Miss Shiyu who can't come, it's that little fairy Fan." What Lu Feng said here At that time, he paused slightly, and then stuttered when speaking.

"Oh, don't be so reserved in the future, you can just call Fan Xiaoxie directly, tell me, what's wrong with her?" Concubine Ming asked impatiently.

"If Little Fairy Fan doesn't come, Ji Jili must be in front of her parents, and the young master is also unwilling to come." Lu Feng didn't dare to look up when she said these words, this was the latest news she had just received.So I hurriedly told Concubine Ming.

"Why?" Concubine Ming looked at her suspiciously, and said in puzzlement, "Didn't brother say that he could get that little goblin to the capital?"

Lu Feng lowered his head and dared not speak for a long time.

Concubine Ming glared at her fiercely, this Lu Feng was her personal maid, she brought it from the Hou Mansion when she was in her mother's house, so she is very considerate.The kind who desperately defended her.What words don't need to be hidden, and don't need to beat around the bush

It's just that when it comes to the family members of the Hou's Mansion, she will pause and struggle a little.

"What do you mean? What is that little fairy thinking about? Why didn't he come to Beijing? Isn't Qian'er also at the age of crowning?" When Concubine Ming said this, she was obviously a little angry.

"It seems to be waiting for the biological daughter in the country. If the biological daughter does not come to Beijing, Fan. Little Fairy will not come to Beijing."

It was very difficult for Lufeng to address Mrs. Hou.Huo Jiang's original wife is gone, no matter what, Fan Jingxian is Huo Jiang's wife, and she is also married by Ming Media.

Even if Mrs. Hou loves the new third-bedroom wife next to her, she is still just a concubine.Huo Jiang couldn't lift his spirits towards her.

No matter what, this Mrs. Hou will come back to be the mistress.At present, Mrs. Hou is just holding on, and the family will eventually fall into Fan Jingxian's hands.She didn't dare to offend, nor was she easy to offend.

She wanted to call her 'Madam Hou', but would she dare?
Obviously, Concubine Ming didn't want to see her. This was related to Mrs. Hou's always making troubles. Mrs. Hou never said a good word about Fan Jingxian in front of Concubine Ming.

In fact, the concubine Ming has never met this sister-in-law at all, let alone understand her. Anyway, a woman who can seduce a man from a woman is definitely not a good woman, especially this man has three sons .

Mrs. Hou put on a high air, she just didn't recognize Fan Jingxian, and she never had the opportunity to visit the famous families in the capital. Many people in the capital had only heard of this lady, but had never seen her.

All the things I heard about Fan Jingxian were also said by Mrs. Hou.

Mrs. Hou doesn't like her at all, can you say something nice about her?

Therefore, many family members of big families in the capital have a lot of opinions on Mrs. Fan Jingxian Hou, and to put it bluntly, they don't take her seriously at all.

Her name will always be 'Fan Little Fairy'.

(End of this chapter)

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