When the emperor and his group rushed to the capital, it was the second day after Jiu Li and Fan Yi left.Apart from Eunuch Huang, Doctor Zhang and shopkeeper Liu were accompanying him, and even Xiao Qi was with him.

Xiaoqi wanted to follow in a shameless manner, crying and making noises, saying that without shopkeeper Liu, he would not be able to live.

Eunuch Huang saw that this young man was really cute, and felt that shopkeeper Liu should have a reliable person by his side, so he took Xiao Qi with him.

In this other world, it was Jiu Li's first visit to Beijing.She has been closely following Fan Yi, a group of Qing troops, Fan Yi is still the leader, Jiu Li is carrying a small backpack, closely following behind.

For the first two days, everything went well.

In the evening, the horse team entered a small forest.The trees in the forest are not very big and sparse, but they meander for several kilometers.The path inside is winding and winding, criss-crossing the fields, very vast, if you really go in, it may be difficult to get out if there is no one to guide the way.

Fan Yi reined in his horse, and pointed to the road of houses vaguely revealed in the woods, "There is only this 'Don't Bully' inn in a radius of tens of miles. We must rest here for a night, and get up early tomorrow morning to start our journey. This is the only way to go to the capital, and we may meet a lot of people from the Jianghu, we must keep a low profile, and we must not and cannot control things that have nothing to do with us."

This group of people from the Qing army nodded quickly, and they all agreed, including Jiuli. After two days of running around, she was also exhausted. There are many things that can be avoided without causing trouble.After all, Mr. Fan is still lying on the bed.

A few people entered the inn, Fan Yi found two tables in the lobby and put them together, a dozen people couldn't sit at one table.

Just as they sat down, Xiaoer brought out the side dishes.Jiuli found a place to wash his hands, touched his face a few times, and washed off the dust on his face a little.

When she came back from Xianxia Village, besides the small medicine box, there was also a kettle in the small backpack.The water bottle she always wears by her side.

The kettle is made of yellow animal skin, shaped like a dragon, with a big belly, and it is very convenient to put water in.A "Luo" character is clearly engraved on it.

When I saw Sankui for the first time in Xianxia Mountain that year, she was carrying this kettle. At that time, Sankui looked at it for a long time, and asked about the origin of the kettle, but she didn't explain it clearly. The original owner, she didn't know where it came from, anyway, it's very convenient to hold water, so she never thought about it.

She didn't mind either.

Been using it for so long, until now.

That kettle is very strange, that is, the temperature of the water you put in it is the temperature when you drink it.And the taste is mellow and sweet.

Jiuli often goes to the mountains to collect herbs, and a kettle is a must.

Sankui would fill it with water every day and put it neatly in her pannier.When I left this time, it was still the same.During the long journey, he specially packed it full.

Jiuli can drink a pot of water for a day, and she will fill up the water every time she passes by an inn.

At this time, she took out the water bottle from the back basket, raised her head and drank all the water in it.Of course, the water filled in the morning will basically not have much left in the afternoon.

It's just that when Jiuli was holding the kettle to drink water, she seemed to feel the eyes of all around suddenly shooting at her, like a spotlight.Is it she who attracts the people around her, or the broken kettle in her hand?
Jiu Li didn't mind too much, after drinking the water, he casually threw the water bottle into the back basket, and strode forward.

When she stood in the hall, she felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at her from a corner, the eyes were anxious and hot, as if they were waiting for her to respond.

Jiuli felt that gaze from the corner of his eye, as if there was no hostility.It seemed that he had something to say to her.

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