Jiuli paused and turned his head slightly.

Sitting in the corner is a young man with a bright head and bright clothes.His eyes were long, his eyebrows were thick, his skin was fair, and his facial features were handsome. If it wasn't for his lack of hair, Jiuli would almost have thought it was a woman.

I just looked at this person with a kind face, as if I've seen him somewhere.It's just that the lights are dim, and she's not sure.

Just now he was the one who stared at her with that scorching gaze, as if he wanted to say something to her, Jiuli paused for a moment, and walked over slowly.

Under the light, the man's face can be seen at a glance.Jiuli looked at him, remembered, patted his forehead suddenly, and said, "You are Xiaoyuanzi"

Jiu Li stopped at this point, and said in a different tone, "Are you the master of those orphans? The 'Hua Monk' from Xianxia Temple?"

The handsome and somewhat coquettish man waved at her and motioned her to sit down.

Jiuli turned his head and glanced at Fan Yi's table first, before the food came, he walked to the table of Monk Hua and sat down.

He scooped up a bowl of soup for her, it was steaming hot, the taste was earthy and mellow in such a night, she couldn't help rubbing her empty stomach.

"Let's drink." He continued, "I just served it. The oysters and almonds are hot, specially designed to keep out the cold."

Jiuli hurried on this day, and at this moment she was really hungry, her stomach was growling.She brought it over, raised her neck, and drank all the oyster soup in the small bowl into her stomach.

The monk smiled and said, "Drink slowly, there's more here, are you too aggressive?"

It is indeed delicious, and there is also a faint taste of peppercorns. Jiuli didn't like to eat peppercorns before, but I don't know how to deal with the taste of this peppercorns. It seems to be different from the peppercorns I ate before.

Feeling good.

Monk Hua served him another bowl, but Jiuli did not refuse.

After drinking a bowl of hot soup, he suddenly felt his body warm up. Jiu Li blinked and stared at him with his long eyelashes curled up.

The monk Hua glanced at her, touched his head again, and said, "You guessed half right just now. I am the master of those children, but I am not a monk of Xianxia Temple. Xianxia Temple is a Taoist temple." , how can there be such a handsome 'flower monk' like me? Can those female Taoist priests still concentrate on chanting scriptures?"

Jiuli didn't hold back, and laughed out loud with a 'puchi'. She had been tense for a whole day, and now she relaxed a little, and suddenly felt a lot less tired.

After he finished speaking, he started laughing too.

"Where are you from?" Jiuli asked tentatively.

Monk Hua shook his head and said, "I can't tell you." When he rejected people, he was so graceful, his lips curled into a perfect arc, and his black pupils seemed to be dyed with stars.

Jiuli approached him, and said in a very low voice, "Tell me, why did you look at me that way just now?"

Monk Hua pushed the chair under him, stood up, spread his hands, and said helplessly, "I don't think you're the only one?" After finishing speaking, he left the table and said after a few steps, "Is it possible that you have to run over and ask why?"

Jiuli ignored him, just looked at the big table of dishes he ordered by himself, and he just took a few bites and left.I feel sorry.

Facing Fan Yi's table, he called a few people and brought over the rest of the food.

When she turned around and went to look for that 'monk flower', she had already disappeared.

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