Jiuli walked to the door, looked at the maid standing at the door and said, "Miss Si, where did you go?"

The little maid bowed her head and said respectfully to Jiuli, "Miss Si originally lived in the palace, but she only returned to Fan's Mansion when she heard that the Grand Master was feeling unwell. She will rest in this yard tonight."

"Oh." Jiuli nodded, then turned around and walked back.

When she stood still in front of the desk, that portrait was all in her mind.It's just that he, who is thousands of miles away, is doing well?
Someone brought food to Jiu Li, Jiu Li cleaned his hands and sat at the table.At this moment, someone outside the door called 'sister' softly?
Jiuli stood up.

The little girl Zhenzhen who was bouncing around outside the door, she had already yelled to come to Jiuli's place, and she heard that it was time for dinner, so she must eat with Jiuli.

Jiuli was sitting alone in the room, worrying about eating alone, when Zhenzhen came, Jiuli asked her to sit down, the two of them pushed back the maid, and ate together unrestrainedly.

The two chatted for a while about other topics. It was nothing more than Zhenzhen talking about what she had done during the time she returned to the capital, such as practicing piano, calligraphy, and reading.

Jiuli just listened carefully.

In the end, the topic returned to Miss Fourth.

"Doesn't Miss Si usually live here?" Jiuli asked tentatively.

"My sister usually lives in the palace." Zhenzhen replied very simply, without any hesitation.Jiuli wanted to ask a question about the portrait.

She just wanted to know what happened to that person and what he went through.She didn't care about the rest.

"Your sister just got angry." Jiuli smiled and said, "When I came in just now, I didn't notice the portrait on her desk, it seems to have annoyed her."

When Zhenzhen heard this, she laughed and said, "I used to do this too. At that time, I secretly copied this portrait, and my fourth sister scolded me very angrily."

Jiuli just smiled.

Zhenzhen continued, "Although I don't know who the person in this portrait is, I know he is very important to Fourth Sister. Every time she comes back from the palace, she will look at this portrait before going to bed."

Jiuli just blinked her long eyelashes, smiled slightly, and looked at Zhenzhen.

"She sometimes cries in front of the portrait." Zhenzhen said in a very low voice, as if she was telling some little secret.Jiuli still curled her lips and didn't say a word.

Zhenzhen only stayed here for a while before being taken away by the servants, which meant that Miss Jiuli had traveled a long distance, and she might have to see Mr. Fan tomorrow, so she should have an early rest.

Zhenzhen has a deep relationship with Mr. Fan, and when she heard that Jiu Li went to bed early for Mr. Fan's benefit, she followed a few servants away smoothly.

At this time, only Jiu Li was left in the room.

A few servants just stood outside the door, someone brought footwashing water, Jiu Li simply washed up, did not turn on the light, and just leaned on the bed.

The girls outside dare not come in.

The genius doctor who cured Mr. Fan was treated as a guest of honor, and they would not dare to enter unless she was calling in the room.

The sky gradually darkened, and the lights in the courtyard lit up one after another, giving people a sense of mystery in the dark night.

The maids standing outside the door always felt that there was no movement in the room, and they did not turn on the lights.If something happened, or if it was negligent, the master would have to blame it.

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