So a bold maid took a few steps tentatively, walked into the room gently, and said cautiously, "Miss Ruan? Miss Ruan? Miss Ruan? Are you asleep?"

No one answered in the room, and there was no special movement.

She stood in the dark room, glanced outside, and said, "Miss Ruan, isn't she here? Why is there no answer?"

A girl walked outside the door, holding a long lantern in her hand, the two approached, and walked side by side towards the couch where Jiuli slept.

Although this is Fan Yuke's study room, it has everything, including a bed.

Just because she was afraid that she would get sleepy while reading, or lay down and wanted to read a book, so there is also a bed here.Otherwise, Jiuli would not be arranged in this place, no matter what, Jiuli is also a distinguished guest, a noble person who needs thousands of thanks.

When the two maids held the lamp and approached the bed, they were startled when they saw the empty bed.The bed was found to be empty.The quilt was folded well, or it hadn't been moved.Miss Ruan has long since disappeared.

They quickly turned on all the lights in the study.The maids outside the door all came in to search, and searched every corner of the study, where is Jiuli's figure?
These maids were so frightened that they could only tremble, what is going on?

"Did Miss Ruan eat inside just now?"

"I'm sure she washed up after eating and never left."

"I haven't left before, why did it disappear out of thin air?"

The three maids are talking here one by one, but they are really not sure that Jiu Li has not gone out.Can such a big living person evaporate in the room?

They didn't dare to report the letter, so they could only stand outside the house and wait, what if Jiuli went out when they were not paying attention?
When the three of them stood at the door, they chatted a lot. If they neglected their duties and missed Miss Ruan, which delayed the old man's illness, they would definitely be kicked out.

So they stood cautiously in the yard, wandering around and looking around.

The three maids were divided into three groups, one group was guarding here, and the other two surrounded Miss Fourth's courtyard, so it could be divided into three groups.

For fear of missing Jiuli.

In this way, after everyone reincarnated once, they didn't see any trace of Jiuli in the yard.The three of them crouched cautiously at the door of the study.

A very mysterious one said, "Do you know? When they came back this morning, they said that Miss Ruan was an idiot before, because she was possessed by a fox fairy because she ate the tribute from the mountain."

When the other two maids heard this, they immediately gasped and said, "Is it true?"

The very mysterious girl vowed, "How can this be false? Everyone in Xianxia Village knows that she used to be a fool. She has been a fool since she was a child. , has saved many people in the local area, and is very famous.”

The two maids looked at each other, and couldn't help saying, "So it's like this? I always feel that she walks lightly, as if she is different from ordinary people."

"And her eyes, so black, so deep, just like the sea, if you look hard, you seem to be sucked in."

A maid slapped her lightly, and said, "Where is it so mysterious, don't say it so mysteriously, but it is certain that she was a fool before, this is when they went to pick her up, those people in the village Someone told them quietly."

"Does Master Qi know?" the more mysterious person asked.

"I know. He doesn't care, as long as he can cure Mr. Fan's illness, it doesn't matter what kind of possession he has," the maid said so well that the three maids who were here really believed it.

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