Jiuli held Zhenzhen's little hand, took a step closer to her, and said in a very slow voice, "Mother-in-law, we are just passing by here, we are thirsty, come here to borrow some water."

Jiu Li's voice was extremely gentle.

A smile broke out on the old woman's face, she pointed to the room with a pleasant smile and said, "This morning Yuer boiled water, and I made green onion pancakes, waiting for Yuer to eat, you come in. "

She is very enthusiastic.

Zhenzhen must have been scared, and pulled Jiuli to leave, but Jiuli tightly held her little hand, and pulled her into her so-called house.

This is the only complete room, seen only from the outside.In fact, when I walked inside, there was nothing there, just a roof over the other rooms.

However, this seems to be enough for them.

In an empty room, you can see the whole room at a glance. There are no beds, just beds piled up with thatch.When you sleep at night, you can shrink it inside, and you can save the bedding.

A few large stones are polished very smooth, on which people can sit and eat.One was clean, presumably a 'panel' for chopping or cooking.

Looking at the tall piles of thatch and a few flat rocks, this is their home.

"Here." She enthusiastically took the thatched basket on the side and put it in front of Jiuli, saying, "Girl, eat."

Jiu Li looked at the basket made of thatch, the pattern on it was neat and tidy, and it looked very clean.How can there be a fool living here?

He is clearly a very agile person, isn't he?
She reached out to take a scallion pancake, and then slowly put it to her mouth and took a bite. In fact, she was not hungry at all. When she took Zhenzhen to the street, the two of them just went to eat snacks.Zhenzhen did not eat less of fish balls, shrimp skewers, candied haws, fried cakes and other weird snacks.

Jiuli was also full, but when she just said that she came in to eat scallion pancakes, she had an inexplicable feeling.She really wanted that taste.

It has been several days since I left Xianxia Village.When they were at home, either she made scallion pancakes or Sankui made scallion pancakes.

Although Sankui's cooking is not delicious, his method and steps of making scallion pancakes are different from Jiuli's. Jiuli's scallion pancakes are made according to Sankui's method, or Sankui taught him.

Once, Sankui enjoyed eating the scallion pancake in his hand, nodded and said, "It really tastes like that."

At that time, Jiuli didn't mind, but turned to look at him, as if jokingly said, "What kind of smell is it really?"

Sankui pursed his lips, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "The taste of childhood."

"Does it smell like mother?" Jiuli asked with her head tilted.

Sankui became dull for a moment, as if he hadn't reacted yet, but for a short time, his face turned slightly red, and he nodded, "Really."

Jiu Liquan thought he was joking and didn't take it to heart at all.

At this moment, Jiuli took a bite of the scallion pancake, she was stunned suddenly, she chewed it again, with a strange expression on her face.

Zhenzhen looked at her in astonishment, she was full, even if she was hungry, she would not eat in this kind of place.When Jiuli picked up the scallion pancake and ate it, she looked up at Jiuli.

At this time, seeing the yin and yang expression on Jiuli's face, she shook Jiuli's skirt and said, "Sister? Sister? Isn't it delicious?"

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