The old woman watched Jiuli eat the scallion pancake, but she didn't respond for a long time, and asked in surprise, "Miss, are you not used to eating it?"

She didn't say whether her pancakes were bad, but just asked Jiuli if she was used to eating them.She is quite confident in her cooking skills.

Jiu Li swallowed the scallion pancake in her mouth, and took another big bite.

"Sister, isn't it delicious?" Watching Jiuli swallow a mouthful and then take another, to Zhenzhen, who is a snack foodie, she wouldn't think it was not delicious, it must be delicious, my sister would Will eat mouthful after mouthful.

"Grandma, your craftsmanship is very good." After taking a few mouthfuls, Jiuli finally said with a smile.

A smile appeared on the mother-in-law's face in an instant, she slowly groped a few steps in the room, and said, "Of course, how many people begged for my scallion pancake back then."

Jiuli nodded.This scallion pancake is so strange, it tastes almost the same as the one she made, but of course her taste is just right, Jiuli made it with care a few times, and it also tastes the same.Their recipes are the same.

How could Fang Zi Sankui of her scallion pancake be?
What does a blind mother-in-law have to do with Sankui? Jiu Li quickly finished the scallion cake in her hand, and then quickly took off the basket behind her.

There are a lot of snacks in her back basket. After all, her and Zhenzhen's stomachs are limited. Even if they eat hard at the market, how much can they eat?

Jiuli bought a lot of snacks, but they were not many. She wanted to taste something delicious first, and when she planned to go back, she would bring them back to Sankui, Auntie and the others.

She took out all the snacks and said, "Mother-in-law, we bought this at the market, try it. It may not be as tasty as your green onion pancake."

The blind mother-in-law smiled. She touched a piece of beef jerky and held it in her hand tremblingly.Jiuli thought she would eat it in big mouthfuls, but she clutched the piece of beef jerky, tears welling up in her eyes, and choked up, "There was a child back then, who especially loved the green onion pancakes and beef jerky I made."

When she finished speaking, she began to cry.

Jiuli approached her, gave her a handkerchief, and said softly, "Where's that child?"

The blind mother-in-law didn't answer any more, just kept sobbing.

Jiu Li thought for a while, and said to herself, "Is she so crying? It must be that her eyes are broken from crying?"

"Mother-in-law, can I see your eyes?" Jiu Li straightened her up, staring at her gray-haired head and asked tentatively.

Ordinary people don't believe in her medical skills, because she is too young and inconspicuous.

The main reason why many people are willing to let her go for treatment is the legend in Xianxia Village, which says that she was possessed by a fox fairy after eating the tribute from the mountain.

As long as the word "immortal" is attached to anything, it will be different from others, but this old lady has never heard of this legend, is she willing to let her treat it?
Does she have any other choice?
Could it be that if we don't let her cure him, can we invite another doctor?

When she heard Jiuli's words, she was stunned immediately, and just for a moment, she sat upright obediently and stared into Jiuli's eyes.

She believed in Jiuli so much, when Jiuli wanted to look into her eyes, she sat up straight without saying a word.Although she can't see anything.

Jiuli took out the handkerchief on her body and wiped the corners of her eyes.Her eyes were open, but she couldn't see.

"Mother-in-law, how many years have you been unable to see clearly?" Jiuli asked tentatively.

"Seven years." When she said this, she dodged a little, as if she was unwilling to answer the following words.

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