Chapter 6 Widow
Jiuli looked at the four tempting white flour steamed buns in her hand, which exuded a strong aroma of wheat. She took them to her mouth and smelled them several times, then put them down reluctantly, and finally only ate one.

The remaining three found a dry place and wrapped them in oiled paper.

With a slightly full stomach, she lay on the bed and took a nap for a while.Just squinted for a while, and it turned out to be a dream.

In her dream, she was carrying a basket on her back to collect herbs on a sunny morning.A man dressed in gorgeous clothes and handsome fell down the valley, his life was in danger at any time, he shouted for help, behind him were many pursuers in black clothes, and there were poisonous snakes hanging from the cliff, spit out red silk, It was about to fall on him, and the situation was critical.

She climbed up the mountain and used the poison on her body to kill the poisonous snakes, and then jumped into the valley. Unfortunately, the handsome man had been snatched away by the men in black, leaving only a pool of black blood on the ground.

She analyzed the direction of those footprints around the valley. The footprints spread all the way to the top of the mountain. They were heading towards the top of the mountain. She quickly ran to the top of the mountain, chasing them all the way, and found them in a small house next to the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.She beat them off.

Saved the gorgeously dressed boy.It's a pity that she came late, because he was poisoned by the snake, and because of the delay of this group of people, he was dying.

Jiuli woke up, and sat up suddenly from the bed, panting heavily, sweating profusely, trying hard to recall the dream.This dream is so bizarre, so absurd, and the him in the dream is so real.For a moment Jiuli was at a loss.

Judging from the scene in the dream, it seems that there is still some time before now.Jiuli still has time to prepare.

The most important thing for her now is to clean up the house, she wants to take root here, and she wants to live here.She wants to tidy up this small yard neatly.

She didn't know where she found a shovel, and planned to clean up the backyard first.

Just turning the corner and walking to the kitchen door, she heard footsteps at the door.

The sound of footsteps was a little procrastinated and repeated, walking back and forth at her door, either wanting to come in, or something.

"Could it be that someone from the Ruan family came to vent their anger on Mama Sang, or was it a friend of the original owner?" Jiu Li was puzzled, turned around and retreated to the yard, holding a shovel in his hand, and stood there like that.

There are people at the door.

It wasn't from the Ruan family, but Qu Feng, the little widow from the West Courtyard.In this Xianxia village, those naughty children or women who like Sanba are the two people who like to bully the most.One is the little fool Jiuli, and the other is Qu Feng.

Qu Feng's husband died when she was very young, and she also had a mother-in-law who was sick all the time.They are considered single-family, and there is no such thing as a particularly close family.There is a brother-in-law who seems to be joining the army outside and has not been home for several years.With and without are almost the same.

Therefore, she became the target of everyone's bullying.

Although the former little fool Jiuli had relatives and a family, it was the same as if she hadn't. Everyone hardly mentioned her when they were out, feeling ashamed.Jiuli's small courtyard was far away from them, and could not take care of her.

But Qu Feng also likes to bully Jiuli, all her pleasure is obtained from Jiuli, she hasn't seen Jiuli these two days, she still misses it a little.Without Jiuli, she is lonely.

That night, the night when the original owner was smothered to death, her mother-in-law had a high fever, and she went to the doctor with her mother-in-law on her back in the middle of the night. In a secluded place, she saw the sneaky figures of Mama Sang and Mrs. Ruan holding a rope After entering Jiuli's house, she spent the next few days taking care of her mother-in-law.She has a lot of bold guesses in her mind, but she just doesn't have time to come out, or she can't do anything about it.

The mother-in-law's condition has stabilized, so she came out to see Jiu Li immediately.

She just stood at the gate of Jiuli's small courtyard, looking in with complicated emotions on her toes.

Seeing Jiuli standing in the yard holding a shovel, she was startled and ran away.Jiuli watched her back disappear from sight through the fence.

When she was in danger, there were still people who cared about her, at least they didn't make trouble for her. Could this be her friend?

Jiu Li curled her lips, feeling warm in her heart.

This world is big, but this home is the only place that belongs to her. No matter how broken or dire it is, this small place is her shelter, a place she guards well.

She doesn't want much, and if she treats her well, she must take good care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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