Chapter 7 Shichiro
Jiu Li moved his wrist and came to the backyard.

With an empty and cluttered backyard, there are many uses for decluttering it.

She dealt with the messy thatch first, then the dead branches and rotten leaves.She made thatch into haystacks, and put the branches together in an orderly manner, which can be used for cooking and fire.

She dug another hole in the back yard and put the rotten leaves in it, which could be turned into fertilizer.In this backyard, she will make a vegetable garden in part, and there will be vegetables and fruits she needs all year round.

With a "squeak", the door opened, and someone walked into the yard.

As a former agent, Jiuli's hearing is several times higher than that of ordinary people. She can recognize the sound of a needle falling into the water, let alone the sound of a door being pushed.

Jiuli was busy in the backyard, when she heard someone coming in, she stood up.

"Sister, can I fetch water for you?"

Jiuli took a few steps from the backyard to the front yard, and saw the boy standing in her yard, she quickly searched for the boy in the original owner's memory.

His name is Ruan Qilang, he is small, thin and dark.He is the youngest son of the Erfang family, and the entire Ruan family, Qilang is the only one who truly loves Jiuli.The main reason is that he is also in a daze, without much insight, and full of stupidity.

If the original owner was being bullied, as long as Qilang heard about it, he would basically beat them with his hands, no matter whether he could beat them or not, he would do it, and his nose would be bruised and his face would be swollen every time.

Jiu Li saw the scars on his face at a glance, and some places were stained with red blood, which hadn't dried yet.This injury just happened.

"Qilang, where did the scar on your face come from?" Jiu Li quickly walked over, approached him, and asked while staring at the scar on his face.

"Cough..." Qilang touched his face, smiled shyly, and said, "Sister, isn't this a common thing?"

"I'll go and eliminate the inflammation for you." Jiu Li turned around and walked towards the east room in a few steps.

Qilang scratched his head, and the Jiuli sister in front of him always felt that something was different. In the past, no matter how hard he was beaten, Jiuli would not comfort him, and sometimes he would laugh at his face blooming.

It was the first time that he comforted him like before, and went into the house to get disinfectant.

Maybe Sister Jiuli had a flash of light today, or she heard someone who said this, and she just repeated what others said.

Where can she get disinfectant?

This is all when listening to the opera, and it is said in the opera, only those relatives of the emperor can use it.Isn't Sister Jiuli teasing him today?

Jiuli came out of the east room, and took out a small black bottle in his hand, it was very special, Qilang had never seen this kind of bottle.

"Sister, what's the matter with you today?" Qilang was puzzled, and didn't take the matter of disinfectant water to heart. He picked up the bucket and pole beside the kitchen and said, "Sister, I'll fetch water for you first."

"Apply the medicine first." Jiuli insisted.

The lad is just so energetic.When Jiuli walked up to her with the disinfectant water, Qilang had already disappeared with the bucket.

Jiuli had no choice but to turn around, go back to the house, put down the disinfectant, and continue to work in the backyard.

After tidying up the back yard, she went to the front yard to tidy up a little bit.The most important thing at present is to tidy up the kitchen. Taking advantage of the sunshine, I wash the old tattered clothes and yesterday's dirty clothes.Bedding and beds need to be made.

Not a drop of water in the tank...

Jiuli looked up at the sun, Qilang had been out for some time.Why haven't you come yet?

Is the well not far from here?
Jiuli put down the thing in his hand, clapped his hands, walked out of the courtyard door in a few steps, and closed the small wooden door.He strode towards the well in the middle of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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