Chapter 643 The Man in Black in the Forest

When Jiuli walked out of the yard, he went back the same way.

It was so late, if they walked through the main entrance of Fan's mansion, the gatekeepers would inevitably have to exchange some pleasantries when they saw her coming back from the outside with a basket on her back.

Maybe something will be reported in Fan's residence tomorrow, so she simply planned to break through the wall and enter.

Even if she climbed over the wall, when she walked out of Gongsunyou's courtyard, she took a small path and turned from the dirty small gravel road to another secluded and dark alley.

This place was originally a secluded place. When Gongsun's mansion was still prosperous, there was a West Lake next to it, and there were green trees on both sides.This is a place where many talents and beauties meet for outings.

Ever since hundreds of members of the Gongsun family were wiped out, there have been rumors that this place is haunted by ghosts, and people often cry in the middle of the night.

The timid people dare not come to such a place, and it is gradually declining. After so many years, it has already been deserted and turned into ruins.

Jiuli was walking in such a forest. There were messy weeds and dead branches everywhere, and many trees that had been struck down by lightning lay crookedly on the ground.

Sometimes when Jiuli steps forward, he can't help making a 'pop' sound, which spreads far away in the silent night. If you are a timid person, you really dare not go here.

Jiuli walked very quickly on the path in the forest, she walked it several times during the day, but this was the first time at night.

Just as she was walking along the path so fast, she heard a rustling sound from behind, which was not the sound of a woman's footsteps.

Instead, someone followed her.

Jiu Li was stunned, stopped suddenly, and then turned her head slowly.

Sure enough, there were people wearing black clothes on the trees, on the path, and on the roof not far away. Jiuli roughly counted, there were about twenty or so.

Jiuli turned around slowly again, and continued to walk forward.

She was confused, she came to the capital not long ago, and she didn't make enemies with anyone.If there is any fault, even if they kicked them a few times, they did not cause any death or much damage.

They wouldn't spend such a large cost here to block her, right?

Why can they know their route so accurately, it means that someone has been following her, no, Jiuli quickly denied this idea, if someone was following her, how could she not know?
I can only watch her enter here from a distance, not sure where she went, and wait here for her.

These 20 men in black are not ordinary servants, no matter how bad their martial arts are, they still have to spend money to hire them, right?
What ability does she have that require them to expend so much energy?

Now that she knew she was here, she was afraid of causing trouble to Gongsun You and the others, so she had long wanted to photograph them from the tree.

But she felt that it was not the place.She wants to find a place that has nothing to do with anyone, and then destroy them.If they don't do this, they will really deal with Gongsun You and the others next step.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and continued walking on the path in the forest.When she quickened her pace, the man in black behind her also quickened her pace.

When they were chasing her, she had already calculated their skills in her heart, and she also knew their speed.

So she walked forward just right, making it seem like they could catch up, but it was always a step short.

Jiuli came out from the path, and then turned into an alley.

Before they could catch up, Jiu Li's steps were fast and big. This was strictly trained in the previous life, how could there be a slight mistake?

(End of this chapter)

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