Chapter 644 Leading to a Secluded Place

After Jiuli turned around a few alleys, the man in black followed closely behind.Just as they were following her, Jiuli realized that the men in black behind were not from the same group.

It was just a coincidence that two groups sent killers to kill her.

Although these two groups were chasing her, it was impossible for them to become friends or join forces. This was related to the question of who would take her head and get the reward.

It is obvious that one group is strong and the other group is weak, but they are all chasing her desperately at this moment.That force was so weak that she had long since left it behind.

But this group of powerful people stared at her closely.Jiu Li didn't want to get rid of the weaker group, she hoped that they would come together to save herself trouble.Let's solve it together.

Several times she walked deliberately slowly, as if she was about to be caught.

The person in front said with some regret, "I just grabbed the hem of her clothes, why did she run away?"

"Continue!" Someone yelled, and the group behind them quickened their pace again, Jiuli still walked forward in step.

They kept chasing after her without looking where she was going.Walking through the alleys like this, when they looked up, they had already traced to the most central street in front of them.

During the day, this is the busiest market.

Usually, even at night, it is still brightly lit.But it's different recently. As the New Year is approaching, many people have returned to their hometowns for the New Year.Even the bustling streets are still sparsely populated.

Only the soldiers patrolling in the city come once every half an hour, once every half an hour.When Jiuli was turning here, he heard their patrolling sounds. They had just passed by, and if they came back again, it would take nearly half an hour.

In half an hour, it was enough to deal with the men in black behind.

After running all the way in this way, from the sound of their footsteps and panting, as well as the number of paths they followed, Jiu Li had basically figured out their skills.

Just how to beat them, she knew it all.

And the people behind were just chasing her desperately, thinking that so many people must not let her run away, even if she was so exhausted.

When Jiuli heard such words, she slightly curled her lips.

In fact, she really wanted to treat them in this way, that is, to run around the capital and tire them down.It's not like she hasn't done such a thing before.

When Ruan Wuniang was hung from a tree, many young men in the village planned to arrest her and beat her up in order to see her off.

Unexpectedly, Jiuli used such a method to exhaust them all to the ground.

If this is still the case, they will not be able to make any cheap money.The point is that she doesn't want to do this. They are working, but she doesn't want to accompany them. She has other things to do.

She will be going back to Xianxia Village soon, and she has to deal with many things here.

The person who should be seen can't be seen, right?

When Jiuli was thinking wildly like this, she was already standing on the street, not far in front of her was the majestic Grand Master's Mansion.This is not the first time she has come here.

Just came here several times with Zhenzhen.

Thinking of meeting the granddaughter Wan Rongyan of Taishifu here.

She also dragged her off the horse at that time.Thinking of this, thinking of Wanrongyan, her thoughts paused slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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