Shichiro looked at the urinal brought by Madoka's "Liu" with a dazed expression. He wanted to say that you should keep it for yourself, but he finally didn't say anything.

After the two of them got into bed, Xiao Yuanzi's mouth would be like a small trumpet, and it wouldn't stop no matter what.

Shichiro echoed Madoko's words while lying on the bed and listening carefully to the movement outside.My brother-in-law looked a little abnormal tonight.

The more troublesome he is, the calmer he is, and the calmness makes you afraid.Especially when he went out again and again, not to pack things.He didn't clean up anything in the house.

I haven't seen him like this before. He went outside to see if there was anything unusual.

Although Liu Hong had been with Sankui's brother-in-law for so long, he really didn't see many things.It seemed that this night must be extraordinary.

How dare he sleep?
Even if he can't go out, he can still protect Xiao Yuanzi and his aunt, right?Sister Jiuli is not at home, so he is the man in the family.

Although the brother-in-law is now the head of the family, his legs and feet are not good after all, this is not an act.

Thinking of this, he slowly closed his eyes, because he heard the sound of Xiaoyuanzi's steady breathing, this guy was bragging to him a second ago that he could keep his eyes open until dawn, and then he closed his eyes in the blink of an eye Fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took before he heard the door of his brother-in-law's room open with a "squeak". He listens attentively.

The doors of the house are all made by him himself. When he is free, he likes to lie on the bed and listen to the sound of the door slamming, so that he can repair the door at any time and know what is wrong.

So he knew very clearly whose door rang.

Brother-in-law's footsteps sounded in the yard, like a cat walking on the ground.If Qilang hadn't listened on purpose tonight, he wouldn't have felt his brother-in-law walking in the yard.

In fact, he just felt, and didn't really hear the sound of his brother-in-law walking in the yard.

Probably the footsteps came to the sun room at the gate, Shichiro sat up slowly from the bed in order to confirm.He is a carpenter himself, because in his family, things at night are so exciting.Sometimes he is also curious, so he repairs his bed without making a sound.

He stood at the door and glanced out through the window not far away.


A black and tall figure floated to the wall like a black lightning bolt, that figure was as soft as duckweed in the river.

who is this?

Is it his brother-in-law?This is the first time he has seen such a brother-in-law?

Then that night just with the help of a stick out, it floated to the tree like a black ribbon.Fluttering, without a little sound.

Qilang couldn't help shivering, who is this?Is it his brother-in-law?

At this time, Shichiro heard the noisy footsteps not far away. It seemed that there were many people rushing here. It was dense, and he felt that the flowers and plants in the yard were shaking.Shichiro's shoulders shrunk vigorously to his neck, no wonder his aunt asked him to carry a urinal tonight.

It's just that before the sound of their footsteps came here, my brother-in-law felt it.

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