Chapter 667 Night Phantom
Qilang retreated to the bed lightly, and lay down on the bed carefully, but his eyes were open.Is Liu Hongke still lying in his brother-in-law's room?
I'm afraid this meeting has already entered dreamland.

After all, Qilang is timid, and he didn't dare to look at the following things.He just felt a gust of wind blowing in the yard, and then passed by.

At this point, shouldn't there be fighting sounds outside the door?

But he lay quietly for a long time without any sound.Qilang was a little scared. After all, his brother-in-law was standing outside alone. Is it okay to deal with so many people outside?
He sat up from the bed again, this time he walked to the door, first glanced outside, and saw that it was quiet outside, except for the night wind blowing, there seemed to be nothing.

Did something happen to my brother-in-law?

He couldn't delay any longer, and put on a cotton jacket. In fact, when he was lying on the bed, he didn't take off the clothes inside.He opened the door gently and walked quietly into the yard.

As he was heading towards the door, he decided to take a look at his aunt first to see how she was doing.Do I have to get up at night, or drink water, etc. After all, I eat too much peanuts at night.

Qilang stood at the door of my aunt's house, and opened the door very carefully. Because of her age, Sister Jiuli asked her not to lock the door when she slept, so that it was convenient for everyone to take care of her.

When my aunt was sleeping, she never locked the door, it could be opened with a push.

When Qilang was standing in his aunt's room, he called softly, "Auntie?"

Auntie didn't respond for a long time, so he called out again, "Auntie?"

The aunt still didn't respond, so he walked to the bed in a few steps, and glanced at the bed through the moonlight shining through the window.God, the bed is empty, but the quilt is still warm.

My aunt has disappeared.

"Did my aunt go to the toilet in the backyard alone?" Qilang felt puzzled again when he thought of this, and said to himself, "How is this possible? Usually, he helped my aunt to go there. Besides, he was lying on the bed all the time. , and didn’t hear anything? When did my aunt go out?”

Qilang boldly walked into the backyard quietly, at the toilet, he called softly, "Auntie? Auntie?"

There is no response.

Qilang felt even more strange, so he walked into the latrine, which was empty, where was the shadow of his aunt?
Qilang was so frightened that he turned over quickly, walked into his room quickly, and then locked it hard.He sat on the bed panting heavily.

"Where's my aunt?" he said to himself.

After that, he got into the quilt, covered his head, closed his eyes hard, and forced himself to sleep, but in the scene just now, he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

The eyes seemed to be propped up by something, and they were forced to open.

He didn't know how long he stayed in this dizziness, as if he had a dream, and when he woke up the next day, he was pushed awake by Xiao Yuanzi.

"You big lazy bastard, look at the sun is shining on your butt, you still don't get up." Xiao Yuanzi said while pushing him to wake him up, "Auntie has been running several times in the back yard."

"Auntie?" Qilang sat up suddenly when he heard this, and said in shock, "Auntie is up?"

"Yeah? I woke up early. When I just went to the backyard to poop, my aunt was exercising in the backyard? The cook has already made breakfast." After Xiao Yuanzi finished speaking, "嗖" Get up from the bed at once and start to get dressed quickly.

It's time to go to the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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