Chapter 673
Jiuli used part of his qinggong, his body was as light as a swallow, and he didn't leave any footsteps on the ground.Or maybe that Mrs. Hei Ying was too involved, and he didn't feel Jiu Li's approach.

Jiuli just quickly hid in the bushes, hiding behind a slightly bigger tree, carefully discerning the black shadow.

I saw him sometimes like a cat, sometimes like a wolf, sometimes like a flying eagle.Throwing out his fists, there was a sound of hunting around the fists, each punch was more powerful than the next, as if each punch could hit the opponent's vital point, maybe he was really devoted.

Jiu Li stood here for a long time and he didn't notice it.When the movements in his hands slowed down, Jiu Li seemed to see his figure, it turned out to be Uncle Zhong.

"Uncle Zhong?" Jiuli called out in astonishment.

Uncle Zhong was really involved, he didn't hear it, or he heard it, and he was working hard and couldn't stop.

It's just that his boxing is so weird?Jiuli had never seen them before, and they were very animal-like, not like snake fist or monkey fist, like an animal.When Uncle Zhong used it, it seemed that every move was like an animal, like many animals gathered together.

The sharpness of the moves is self-evident.

"What kind of boxing technique is this?" Jiuli was originally a person who was very interested in martial arts. She lay behind a tree and watched Zhongbo practice each move carefully.It's just that every move is remembered in my mind.

Those who are familiar with martial arts moves can basically do it all at once.But Uncle Zhong seemed to be trying to understand something, so he practiced it again after one practice, and every movement was very slow.And every move is perfect.

After Jiuli finished reading it, she moved her body slightly, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand to make gestures a few times.

I don't know how long I waited, but the sky is getting darker and darker. If it gets darker, even the best moonlight will be invisible in the gloomy grove.

Jiuli felt that it was very late, and it was inconvenient to disturb Uncle Zhong, so he turned around and quickly hid in the grove.After her figure disappeared, Uncle Zhong's figure paused slightly, and then looked at the direction in which she disappeared, with a flash of a smile on his face.

When Jiuli came out of the grove, she was still thinking about the grove. When she rescued Uncle Zhong for the first time, when she saw the scars all over his body, she knew that he was not an ordinary person, he must be a Lianjia son was born.

When I actually saw him practicing in the woods, it was another scene.

So his martial arts are so high?And many of them seem to have real master's biography, and added a lot of essence that I have understood.

This loyal uncle should also be a rare genius in martial arts.

When Jiu Li stepped into that courtyard, Granny Lihua was walking in the courtyard over and over again, when she saw Jiu Li coming in, she greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Miss Ruan?" Her words were very excited. When she saw Jiu Li, she grabbed her little hand, and then took the basket behind her with one hand.The two entered the house slowly.

Looking at her very inadvertent movement just now, Jiuli held her hand with one hand, and took the back basket with the other hand.

Is this something the average old lady can do?

Her small basket is not something that weighs ten or eight catties, but at least tens of catties. She gently puts it on the ground with one hand.

The room smelled of rich peanut pork rib soup, and a lot of her favorite soybeans were added.

Jiuli quickly glanced at the room, Gongsunyou was not there, only her mother-in-law was at home.

"Where's Gongsunyou?" Jiuli asked suspiciously, in such a cold north, his legs and feet are not good, and he doesn't need to rush to do things, shouldn't he be staying in the house to keep warm at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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