Chapter 674 Footsteps

Granny Lihua motioned Jiuli to sit on the stone stool. She also sewed a soft cushion on today's stone stool, which made Jiuli very comfortable to sit on.

"He just went to exercise with Uncle Zhong in the woods." When Granny Lihua said this, she was very natural and casual, and then continued, "If you stay in the house all the time in winter, not only will your body grow Some fat, if you really need fists, wouldn't you be unable to straighten your legs?"

Jiuli nodded.

Granny Lihua poured a bowl of hot soup for Jiuli, and said, "You've been running outside all day, so I don't know if you've eaten hot rice, so drink this bowl first."

Jiuli took the soup bowl in her hand, and took a few sips slowly. To be honest, she has been busy with the opening of Baicao Hall for the past two days, and she only has to drink some hot soup in Yukefang in the morning.

At the end of the day, what I have been eating are the steamed buns in my back basket. Hearing what Granny Lihua said just now, my heart is as warm as the soup bowl in my hand.She smiled slightly and drank up the hot soup in the bowl.

Jiu Li put down all the New Year's goods prepared for them in the back basket, and the two chatted for a while, Jiu Li was planning to go back.

If it is normal, at this point, if Zhongbo and Gongsunyou are not at home, she will leave, and then reply 'Come again another day'.

But not tonight, because she might be gone tomorrow.

If she comes here again, I don't know what year and month it will be, although she will come back soon.But what if something else happens?
The future is highly variable.

She decided to see Zhongbo and Gongsunyou one more time before she left.At least say goodbye in person.

About half an hour later, the two heard chaotic footsteps outside, which belonged to two people.Jiuli recognized that the footsteps belonged to Gongsunyou and Zhongbo.

Granny Lihua smiled and said excitedly, "They are here."

The fire in the hearth reflected on her face, which was rosy and smooth, and her hair was thick. Although it was still gray, it already had a faint luster.

At that moment, Jiuli once again had an illusion that she was not as old as she looked, and should be getting younger and younger, returning to the face that belonged to her age.

So she said lightly, "Grandma, you must drink the herbs I left for you on time."

Granny Lihua laughed loudly when she heard this, patted Jiuli's arm lightly, and said, "Keep drinking, and the two of them will also drink with me."

Jiuli sat there quietly, at this moment she had an illusion, how could they be three irrelevant people?It was clearly an old couple and their son who had just grown up.The family is very happy.

And how much does she look like the little daughter-in-law who entered her husband's house for the first time?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Jiuli smile, Granny Lihua still looked at Jiuli with a smile on her face, and said, "Miss Ruan, what did you think of?"

Jiuli didn't speak.

At this time Zhongbo and Gongsunyou walked in one after the other.

"Miss Ruan?"


When they saw Jiu Li, they were obviously very excited. Although they tried their best to suppress it, Jiu Li could still see the flames jumping in their eyes.

Although it was getting late, Jiuli still didn't intend to leave immediately.She sat down again, intending to have a few more words with them.

"Are you going back to Xianxia Village tomorrow?" Uncle Zhong sat across from her and asked softly.

Jiu Li was stunned for a moment, and said to himself, "Although she comes here often, did she tell them that she was returning to Xianxia Village? How did he know that she lives in Xianxia Village?"

(End of this chapter)

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