Chapter 708
Xiao Wu seemed to have thought of something suddenly, he hastily stretched out his hand to open the curtain of the carriage where Jiuli was sitting, picked up the fire folder and looked inside.

Where is the shadow of Jiuli?
His heart was beating suddenly, and he said to himself, "Didn't it just be a dream, that the black shadow that jumped onto the branch was Miss Ruan?"

"What's the matter?" Brother Jin who was not far away seemed to see Xiao Wu's abnormal expression, he picked up a fire bag from the person next to him and walked quickly to the carriage.

"Miss Ruan, aren't you inside?" Xiao Wu turned to look at Brother Jin who was approaching, "Where did Miss Ruan go?" When he said this, he turned his head and looked around.

What if Miss Ruan goes out when I don't pay attention?

The guards around all looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them said a word, as if no one noticed Miss Ruan going out.

"Where did you go?" Brother Jin said with a worried look, and some panic in his words, "Did you disappear under our noses?"

"This..." Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly after a while, "I don't know? Maybe it's not missing."

Because when he was in a daze, he seemed to see something, and because he was not sure, he couldn't talk nonsense.He said the above words vaguely.

Just when everyone was nervous and anxious, they suddenly heard an extremely soft and sweet voice deep in the woods, "Are you all awake?"

The voice is so familiar?

Everyone turned their heads in unison.I saw Jiu Li carrying a basket on his back and holding a fire bag in his hand, walking calmly from the depths of the woods.

The guards standing here looked at each other, not to mention her a girl, any of the guards standing here would not dare to enter the dense and gloomy grove alone at this time.

Because you don't know what will be inside, it's good to have wild beasts or assassins, and there is also an inexplicable, inexplicable, scary thing that seems to be overwhelming.

"Ruan Ruan, Miss Ruan?" One of the guards stammered, pointing at Jiu Li who was walking slowly, and said nervously, "Miss Ruan is back?"

I saw Jiuli walking slowly in the foggy forest, her lower body legs and feet were invisible, and when she looked at it in a trance under the light, she seemed to be a fairy slowly falling into the world, or A fairy who came out of the mountains.

One of the guards couldn't help taking a step back and said, "This... is this really Miss Ruan?"

Although Jiu Li's steps were gentle, he walked very fast. When they looked at Jiu Li's appearance, the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

One of them couldn't help but yelled, "Ghost!"

Brother Jin turned around as if awakened from a dream, and slapped the shouting guard hard. Hearing a 'slap', it seemed that everyone standing here was awake.

Jiuli approached step by step.

When she approached them, they still stood there motionless, as if petrified.One of the guards couldn't help but shivered, "Pinch me! Pinch me, am I dreaming?"

"Oh, it hurts so much, I'm not dreaming."

Under their watchful eyes, Jiuli slowly stepped into the carriage.They are completely sleepy at this moment, do they still plan to sleep here?
Brother Jin had someone tidy up the horses, and let everyone have a meal here, which was considered breakfast.After all this was done, the east had already turned pale, and the sky was slightly brighter.

This group of people walked forward slowly.

After walking for a while, the guard in front of him came back and said, "Brother Jin, we found more than a dozen dead bodies in front of us, all of them were killed by one attack. It's just that the method is so strange? It's like different animals." It was devoured, and the injured parts of the body seemed to be bitten by some animal."

Jin Ge paused for a moment, then asked suddenly, "Lord Hua's Thunder Fist?"

All the guards were shocked instantly and their faces turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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