Chapter 709 Thunder Fist

Are there any martial arts practitioners who don't know about 'Thunder Fist'?This is a boxing method created by Hua Wangye Luo Yan according to the characteristics of the twelve zodiac animals.

Each move has the characteristics of animals, and it is the most stern move, and each move can be fatal.People who don't know this boxing method will think that these people were killed by a group of animals.

Brother Jin was already in the palace six years ago. When the "Flower King Incident" happened, he didn't participate because of other tasks, but he knew about it.

Moreover, Luo Yan has been accompanying the third prince in the palace all the time. Can these masters wandering around in the palace not know them?Unless it's late.

At this time, most of the guards selected by Eunuch Huang were more than ten years old, and they entered the palace for training at a very young age.

Especially Hua Wangye's Thunder Fist, they all know it, and have practiced it secretly, but they don't know the essence, they didn't expect to see it here.

"But Lord Hua has passed away for many years?" A guard said in a low voice, "How could it be possible to reappear?"

"Some time ago, it was said that Lord Hua's kettle had reappeared in the Jianghu, which caused a period of fighting. It is said that someone imitated hundreds of dragon-shaped kettles and threw them into the Jianghu. The competition for the kettle finally subsided."

"When I was at the inn just now, I heard people say that Lord Hua's nine-tailed fox has reappeared in Jianghu. I don't know where it is. Someone has already planned to hunt that spirit fox."

A few guards are talking to each other here, and what they say is what they have heard with their own ears.

Brother Jin frowned after listening, and his eyes seemed to be a little puzzled, "When Lord Hua died, although I was not there, many people saw it with their own eyes. Limbs were picked up and thrown into mass burials. Go to the post, even if you know a little bit of kung fu, you can't survive. What's more, people who have been abolished in martial arts? Someone must have pretended to be Lord Hua."

When Brother Jin said this, he was still thoughtful.He is also unbelievable in many things.If it is said that the dragon-shaped water bottle reappeared in the Jianghu, he could understand it. Maybe his unreliable father took it out and bought it; or lost it after getting drunk; or was stolen by others and thrown into the Jianghu.

But Linghu appeared and killed many people in the official post, which is hard to understand.

The spirit fox is the pet of Lord Hua, it only recognizes Lord Hua, and after something happened to Lord Hua, it disappeared.No matter how many people in the rivers and lakes hunted it, they failed.

They have disappeared safely for so many years, if Lord Hua hadn't reappeared, how could that spirit fox suddenly appear?And it also killed people. It is said that it will only kill people for Lord Kao.

This is also what he can't understand. He has been wondering about this question all the way, but he is the leader here. Everyone respectfully calls him Brother Jin. There is no conclusive evidence. He dares to say such a guess casually. ?

At this time, the boxing method created by Lord Hua was reproduced again, and it was used very accurately.They have practiced for so many years but have not made any progress.

If Lord Hua hadn't come by himself, who would believe it?

The carriage was still moving forward slowly, and it was already daylight.It is much easier to walk up the mountain road.It's just that everyone was thinking deeply and didn't know what they were thinking, but no one said it.

After a while, a guard approached Brother Jin, and suddenly said, "Brother Jin, do you know why people from Jiang Hu compete for the water bottle of Lord Hua?"

(End of this chapter)

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