The group of people walked for another day, and entered Xianxia Town on the second day.

Jiuli looked through the curtain of the carriage slightly, looking at these familiar streets and the bustling crowds on the street. She has dealt with many people before. When she sold herbs in the herbal medicine market, many of them belonged to her. patrons.

Looking at them in the carriage at this time, I feel unusually cordial.

I haven't been to Xianxia Town for more than 20 days, and I feel like a lifetime away.

Today is not a day of rest, except for my aunt who stays at home, probably they will all stay in each other's academy in Xianxia Town to attend classes, right?
"Miss Ruan, is this Xianxia Town?" Jinge reined in his horse and approached Jiuli's carriageway, "This town is quite lively."

Jiuli picked up a curtain, nodded and said, "This Xianxia Town is larger than ordinary towns, and it is also more prosperous and lively than ordinary towns. Many people go to Xianxia Mountain because of the fame, and basically they will rest here for a night before going back to the city. Go up. It makes this town more and more nobles, and it becomes more and more prosperous."

Brother Jin smiled all over his face, and the guard beside him said happily, "Brother Jin, do we want to climb here? Rest for two or three days before going back."

Brother Jin just blinked his eyes, as if thinking deeply for a while, he said, "Let's stay here for one night and see the situation."

It was past noon at this time, a little later than expected yesterday, and when they knew that they would have a day's journey, their speed consciously slowed down.

They haven't had lunch yet.

Brother Jin approached Jiuli's carriage and said, "Miss Ruan, should we go to a restaurant for dinner?"

Along the way, most of these people ate some simple food on the road, and they didn't eat well yesterday afternoon, so they arrived at Xianxia Town.Jiuli opened the curtain and said, "There is a Xianxialou restaurant in front, the food inside is delicious and affordable."

Xianxialou Restaurant is the most representative restaurant in Xianxia Town. The food there is relatively high-end. Jiuli has never eaten there. Sankui bought her beef jerky several times there.The taste is very authentic.

My great-aunt loves the steamed buns from that store, and Sankui often learns to bring some when she is free.

At this afternoon, Sankui and the others hadn't finished school yet.He wouldn't meet them there either, and Jiuli planned to go back tonight to surprise them.

Brother Jin immediately agreed to the restaurant recommended by Jiuli.

This restaurant is on the street where Xiaoyuanzi used to hit Huojiang with a slingshot. It is a street dedicated to the county magistrate and many officials and lords. Ordinary people seldom go there.

Along the way, Jiu Li knew the value of these guards, they were not as shabby as ordinary people, and they were quite particular about life, so he brought them there.

Several people found a seat by the window to sit down, Jiuli recommended a few dishes for them, and they picked the rest themselves.After a long journey all the way, even a little hot soup is delicious to them at this time, let alone the food from the best restaurant here.

Soon the food on the dining table was swept away by them.

One of the guards felt that a cold noodle next to him tasted like his hometown, so he asked for a bowl to try.He seemed to have just gone downstairs, and then came up in a panic.

Brother Jin held a piece of meat in his mouth, turned to look at him, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Why didn't you buy it? Is it sold out?"

There seemed to be something strange on the guard's face, he just kept shaking his head, pointed out the window and said, "Brother Jin, who is that man in the blue shirt on the road outside the window?"

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