All the people sitting at the dining table turned their heads to look out the window in unison.

On the road outside the window, an elegant man, wearing a blue college uniform, came slowly under the warm winter sun. That man seemed to be shining in the halo, like a dream, like a dream. So unreal.But everyone here saw him clearly.

Occasionally, when the wind gently blows on his face, he just turns his head inadvertently.They were looking at Brother Jin and the others staring at him.

He is tall and tall, with a handsome face, narrow and long phoenix eyes, a tall nose bridge, and a perfect and delicate chin.

If this is not her little husband-in-law Sankui, who is it?
The moment Jiu Li saw him, she was also startled for a moment, she hadn't seen him for a long time, and now seeing him here, she was overjoyed.

After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, this face still entered her heart, and she felt a little flattered in her heart.

This is supposed to be the time for class, he is not in the academy, why come to town for a stroll?

At this moment, Brother Jin opened his mouth wide in astonishment. He couldn't help pointing his finger at the elegant young man on the road, and said nervously, "He, he."

"He is Lord Hua." A guard beside him answered his question clearly, and continued, "Why is Lord Hua here?"

"Yes, this is obviously Lord Hua. But hasn't he already been thrown into a mass grave?"

The guards sitting here were talking here, and there was no appetite for anything on the dinner table at this time.Their eyes are all about the ordinary boy outside the window.

Only the one named Xiao Wu didn't say a word, he seemed to have guessed something, or knew something.He was also surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Maybe they have the same appearance." A guard hurriedly explained, "It's been so many years since King Hua's affairs, it's impossible for him to be alive, let alone living in this small mountain village."

The young master has slowly disappeared from their sight, and their astonishment still hasn't stopped.Brother Jin sat down on the chair, his eyes lost his luster for a moment, and said, "The man who lives like the wind, who else is he?"

A guard quickly took over the conversation and said, "Brother Jin, is it really Lord Hua?"

Brother Jin didn't speak anymore, but slowly picked up the chopsticks in front of him, but when he picked up the braised beef in front of him again, he no longer had the fearlessness and enthusiasm for eating, as if he was full in an instant.

The others no longer had the drive they had just swept the dinner table.He just chewed slowly and finished the meal on his table.

Brother Jin put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "Let's stay in Xianxia Town for a few days, go climbing the mountain first, and then wander around. No one in the palace is waiting for us to go back for New Year's Eve, even outside the same."

The guards immediately agreed.

Jiuli originally wanted to invite them to spend New Year's Eve at their home if they didn't go back to the capital during the Spring Festival, but thinking about Sankui's expression just now, she was afraid of causing any trouble, so she swallowed what she wanted to say up.

She saw that everyone had almost eaten, and she wanted to pay, but a guard beside Brother Jin had already settled the bill.

Jiuli saw Sankui just now, she felt that it was still too late for her to catch up with him.And it's really getting late.So she stood up and said, "Where are you resting tonight? I can go back to the village by myself. You are also exhausted all the way. Go back to the inn to rest?"

Brother Jin didn't want to, so he had to send her home.

Jiuli gratefully refused, "I come to this town often, and I am very familiar with it. I have passed by countless times, and I can go home now. Don't bother."

Seeing that Jiuli insisted on this, several guards had to give up.It's just that he didn't tell Jiuli where they lived, so Jiuli didn't ask again.

Then he left the Xianxia Tower with the basket on his back, and ran towards Sankui.

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