Chapter 713 Holding Little Hands
Jiuli trotted swiftly, Sankui obviously walked on the avenue in front of Xianxia Tower, when Jiuli chased him out, he didn't even see him.

Jiuli stood on the main road, looking at several small alleys nearby, she guessed which direction Sankui should go.

Turning right leads to the small woods in the suburbs, and there are also a few small shops selling agricultural products and stone carvings. Sankui probably won't go there.He didn't have much interest in those.

If you turn left, you will go to Yuelu Academy, Jiu Li looked around and then turned to the left.She quickly chased for a distance, but still did not have that elegant back.

Jiuli stood panting in a quiet corner, calmed her breath, and carefully discerned where Sankui should go?He should be nearby, not too far away.

The strange thing is that when Jiuli is being followed by others, no matter how powerful her martial arts are, she can discern the other party's inner breath, but why can't Sankui?

Jiuli followed him with his breath for a long time, but he didn't feel any special breath nearby.

Jiuli was very puzzled, could it be that his eyes were blurred just now?Impossible?Could it be that the eyes of the dozen or so guards were also dazed?

Jiuli sighed slightly, as if he was very disappointed, he shouldn't be here at this point, he should be attending classes in the academy.

She was about to step forward.

Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the roof with a 'swish'. The cold wind mixed with a slight scent of saponins, and an aura that belonged to him, he just appeared in front of her.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, elegant, noble, and refined.

In a trance, Jiuli thought that he was dreaming, is this true?She blinked vigorously, and a look of joy appeared on her face instantly.

She was surprised, "Sir?"

Sankui took a step forward and approached her slightly, Jiu Li thought he was going to give her a big hug, but he just approached her body and took over the big pannier behind her.

As she breathed, her noses were entangled with each other, Jiuli liked that feeling, that kind of body fragrance mixed with a man's breath gave her a sense of security.He took the pannier over and carried it on his back.

Then he took her little hand, and the two walked quietly on that quiet path.Jiuli's small hands, already stiff with cold, were placed in his wide and warm palms, and there was an indescribable tranquility and tenderness in his heart.

After a few steps, Jiuli suddenly felt that something was wrong, she stopped suddenly, turned her head to look at Sankui's back and said, "Xianggong's legs are not lame anymore?"

Sankui also stopped, but still didn't stop holding her little hand. He stared at her with bright eyes, nodded slowly and said, "Yes, the stitches were removed in Langzhong Liu of Renhe Medical Center some time ago."

Jiuli smiled with her lips curled up, lowered her head, and slowly touched the base of her ears with a touch of childish shyness.Sankui held her hand even tighter.

The two continued to walk forward, Sankui said slowly, "Are you tired?"

Jiuli didn't answer his question, just 'ba da' 'ba da' tears.Crystal clear teardrops flowed from the corners of her eyes down her cheeks, to her mouth, and down her neck.

"Crying so sad, what's wrong?" Sankui put his hand gently on her shoulder, and said slowly, "Miss me?"

Jiuli just shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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